Tool Repository
SOFTWARE NAME: INTERQTL VERSION: beta 1.00, April 2003 AUTHOR: Jean-Luc Jannink and Xiao-Lin Wu E-mail:; Brief description: This package is designed to mapping QTL using multiple interconnected inbred populations. For more details, please refer to the documnetation that is distributed together with the package. Operation systems: Dos, Windows 3.x, 9x, 2000,and NT AUTHOR'S CLAIM: This is a trial version which we authorize the Animal Genetic Discussion Group to use and distribute for evaluation. We are not responsible for possible errors that may exist in the programs. Any Use of the package is free provided that the purpose of use is for evaluation, education and non-profit research. The authors appreciate feedbacks from users for further improvement. Original codes are available upon request to the authors. All other rights are reserved that include modification and recompilation of the programs. Any question, please feel free to contact us:
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Documentation 7 filesJul 08, 2004 1.27 MBApr 15, 2003


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