Animal Genomics Software Repository
Tool Repository
The NRSP-8 Community Data Repository is a public platform for community members to share data/software. Users should acknowledge the data source which is usually credited in respective "README" files provided by the authors, or "Data Sources/Credits" descriptions we maintain on this site. You can upload data/softwarae to share with your colleagues, collaborators, OR a community group you designate. Options available for both public and private data access. Click HERE to use it. For any questions, suggestions, or options to share your data, please write to "Helpdesk" (see link at the bottom of this page).
Downloads Size Created
BEAP 2 filesJun 18, 2017
BEAP_Parser 1 filesFeb 11, 2008
COB 1 filesAug 11, 2013
DNAgcCal 1 filesMar 31, 2009
InterQTL 1 filesJul 10, 2009
RAD_SNP_genotype_tools 1 filesNov 12, 2013
SNPidentifier 1 filesMar 21, 2025
crimap filesDec 19, 2017
otterlace 2 filesJun 03, 2010
webVOWL 2 filesMay 14, 2020
 NAGRP ToolboxLinkJan 8, 2012
- All software shared on this site are for the sole purpose of education,
  academic and non-profit purposes - a consent by all users, authors
  and the site maintainers.

- It is completely on user's discretion to use the shared software on this
  site.  The host/authors are not responsible for any damage or loss that
  may be caused by using the software from this site.

- You are advised to consult the README file for each software you download
  for usage and citation information.  When needed, you may need to contact
  the authors directly for further details.


© 2003-2025: USA · USDA · NRPSP8 · Program to Accelerate Animal Genomics Applications. Contact: Bioinformatics Team