The PHGC has had funding from the US National Pork Board (NPB) (#07-233, #09-208, #10-033 for PRRSV infection; #12-061 and #14-224 for tonsil persistence; and #09-244, and #10-033, and Genome Alberta -Alberta Livestock Genomics Program #29, for multiplex protein analyses of serum cytokines. Pigs were generously supplied by swine breeding companies (PIc/Genus plc, Newsham/Choice Genetics, FAST Genetics, Genetiporc, Genesus, Topigs Norsvin and PigGen Canada, Inc. members. Support from the PRRS Coordinated Agricultural Project (PRRS-CAP), USDA-NIFA Award #2008-55620-19132, covered SNP genotyping and GWAS analyses; and from USDA NIFA AFRI Animal Genome #2010-65205-20433 for gene expression analyses. Additional PHGC infection, vaccination and field trials, GWAS, gene and protein expression analyses have been funded by Genome Canada project #2209_F; and USDA-NIFA Translational Genomics grant # 2013-68004-20362. Additional support has come from the USDA sponsored National Research Support Project 8 (NRSP-8) Swine Genome and Bioinformatics research programs, and from Kansas State University and USDA ARS 1245-32000-098 and 8042-32000-102 projects.