AnGenMap ArchivedPost

From listmasteranimalgenome.org  Mon Dec 16 10:22:52 2024
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From: "DANIEL GIANOLA" <gianolaansci.wisc.edu>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Subject: COURSE: Prediction of Complex Traits Using Genomic
        and Environmental Big Data
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 10:22:52 -0600

Prediction of Complex Traits Using Genomic and Environmental Big Data:
Concepts, models, software and practicum.
March 10-14, 2025
Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA)
Montevideo, Uruguay

Gustavo de los Campos
Professor, Departments of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, and Statistics &
Probability, Michigan State University, USA. Email: gustavocmsu.edu .
Course Description:
Would you like to learn how to predict complex agricultural (plants, trees,
animals) and disease phenotypes and risks in humans and animals using DNA
markers? In this five-day course, key concepts underlying prediction and the
most commonly used models will be introduced, including genomic BLUP,
penalized, and Bayesian linear regression, variable selection methods,
non-linear methods (kernel regressions, neural networks, and XGBoost).
Factors affecting prediction performance will be discussed.
The course consists of modules, each including a brief introduction,
followed by hands-on group work using publicly available data and
open-source software. Focus is primarily on genome-assisted prediction using
DNA markers but examples using environmental data are covered. A good
understanding of probability and inference in linear models and some
experience working with R is required. Please bring your laptop with a
current version of R installed.
Course Content:
1- Genomic Prediction of Complex Traits: Principles
2- Variable Selection using Single-Marker Regression
3- Shrinkage Estimation (Ridge Regression and Early Stopping)
4- Bayesian shrinkage and Variable Selection Models
5- Semi-parametric regression using Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces
6- Genomic Prediction using XGBoost
7- Sparse GBLUP
8- Multi-trait/multi-environment Genomic Prediction
9- Integrating Environmental Covariates into Genomic Prediction
10- Transfer Learning
Language of instruction: English

Registration and accommodation:

Information will be forthcoming soon. The course will be free but there will
be a fee for coffee breaks and lunch.

Please indicate your intention of attending by sending an e-mail to each of
the contacts provided below. Since there will be a cap on the number of
participants, first come, first served.

VENUE: Institute Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay. https://pasteur.uy/en/

PARTICIPANTS: Must bring a laptop and arrange accommodation and travel.

- Daniel Gianola (dgianolainia.org.uy)
- Olga Ravagnolo (mailto:oravagnoloinia.org.uy)

Daniel Gianola
Sewall Wright Professor Emeritus of Animal Breeding and Genetics
Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences
University of Wisconsin-Madison
256 Animal Sciences Building
1675 Observatory Dr.
Madison, WI 53706


"Nature is written in mathematical language (Galileo). If nothing else works,
try Bayes theorem"
"Bayesian methods with subjective priors may butcher the processes of science"
(adapted from Oscar Kempthorne)



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