AnGenMap Archived Post

From listmasteranimalgenome.org  Wed Apr  3 15:21:04 2024
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From: "Williams John Lewis" <Johnlewis.williamsunitcatt.it>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Subject: Summer School in Pangenomics
Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2024 15:21:05 -0500
Dear Colleagues

We are pleased to invite you to a Summer School for Pangenomics, 21st and
27th July in Italy

Discover what a pangenome is, learn the basics of constructing and using a
pan-genome, and explore the potential future applications of pangenomes
that may open new research opportunities.

The School is aimed at advanced PhD students, post-docs and scientist
researching genome structure and function, genetic diversity and applying
genomic techniques to understand phenotypic variation in livestock and
plants. A sound knowledge of unix/linux is required.

The School will have theoretical classes and practical sessions to enable
participants to learn and apply the techniques that are taught, using
examples and demonstrations. Tutors at the School are leading experts in
pangenome construction, annotation and application.

Tutors include, Alexander Leonard (ETH), Luisse Mirabuoeno and Francesca
Tricomi (European Bioinformatics Institute), Andre Eggen (Illumina), Andrea
Talenti (Nanopore) Michele Morgante (University of Udine), Clelia Peano and
Davide Bolognini (Human Technopole), Massimo Delledonne (University of
Verona), Alessandra Stella and Barbara Lazzari (National Research Council).

The course will be held in English at the Universit Cattolica del Sacro
Cuore in Piacenza Italy between 21st and 27th July. Further information can
be obtained on the website
how-to-construct-and-exploit-whole-genome-information-a124pc06345-01) or by
Emailing pangenome.summerschoolunicatt.it

To enroll:

1. Access the registration page at:
2. Click on "REGISTER"
3. Complete the form with the data requested and then click "Register"
4. You will receive an email confirming the creation of your account
5. You can now proceed with the payment online (Note that you will not be
   fully registered until payment is completed
6. Should you have any issue in the registration process, please contact us
   at pangenome.summerschoolunicatt.it

John Williams
Department of Animal Science, Food and Nutrition
Universit=E0 Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
via Emilia Parmense, 84
29122 Piacenza, Italy





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