AnGenMap Archived Post

From listmasteranimalgenome.org  Tue Apr  2 14:52:17 2024
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From: "Schulz-Streeck, Liane" <liane.schulz-streeckagr.uni-goettingen.de>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Subject: Master program "integrated Plant and Animal
        Breeding" open for EU-applications
Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2024 14:52:17 -0500
Dear AnGenMappers!

This is to inform you that the application portal for our international
Master’s program »Integrated Plant and Animal Breeding (iPAB)« at the
University of Göttingen, Germany, is now open for applicants from EU
countries until June 1!

The study program

• offers a profoundly interdisciplinary approach to breeding research by
  bridging the gap between animal and plant breeding,
• covers all relevant disciplines of breeding research,
• is complemented by external lecturers from leading international breeding
  companies, research institutions and national authorities

Start of study program: Winter semester, mid-October Application deadline:
EU citizens: June 1 Admission requirements: BSc in agriculture, biology or
related disciplines; proof of proficiency in English (TOEFL or equiva¬lent)
Number of students: 20 per year

Duration: 4 semesters, 2 years
Language: English
Total credit points required: 120 ECTS
Fees: No tuition fees; administrative fee of approx. 400€ per semester

For further information, please visit our website:

Best regards,
Liane Schulz-Streeck

Dr. Liane-Magdalena Schulz-Streeck
Coordinator MSc Integrated Plant and Animal Breeding
Center for Integrated Breeding Research
University of Goettingen
Albrecht-Thaer-Weg 3, 37075 Goettingen
Mo-Thu 9-13 a.m.
Tel.: +49-551-39 25720
Email: iPABuni-goettingen.de



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