AnGenMap Archived Post

From listmasteranimalgenome.org  Mon Apr  1 15:39:45 2024
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Subject: Re: Call for nominations for electing early career
        scientist (ECS) representative to the ISAG executive
        committee DUE DATE APRIL 15
From: "Tuggle, Christopher K [AN S]" <cktuggleiastate.edu>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Date: Mon, 01 Apr 2024 15:39:46 -0500
A first reminder! Please see information below on this nomination process,
which closes April 15!

Although not required, some applicants have provided a CV. All materials
submitted will be considered, so you are welcome to provide a CV in the
nomination packet.

Best wishes,

He, him, his
Christopher K. Tuggle Ph.D. Iowa State University
C. F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor 806 Stange Road
in Agriculture and Life Sciences 2255 Kildee Hall
Molecular Genetics Ames, IA 50011
Department of Animal Science PHONE 515-294-4252
email: cktuggle at iastate.edu FAX 515-294-2401
http://www.ans.iastate.edu/...e/christopher-tuggle <Original
to follow link.>

On 3/18/24, 10:44 AM, "Tuggle, Christopher K [AN S]" wrote:


Call for nominations for electing early career scientist (ECS) representative
to the ISAG executive committee

ECS representative qualifications and nomination process
- Be within five years (at time of nomination) of being awarded a PhD in
genetics, breeding, molecular biology, animal science, or an equivalent
doctoral degree such as a DVM with a research component.
- Be a member of ISAG at the time of nomination

The candidate must be nominated by two members of ISAG who should provide
written nominations to the Executive committee. The nomination must include a
statement from the candidate indicating their interest in, and willingness to
fulfill, the duties of the position.

Duties of the ECS representative

a) represent early career researchers in the animal genetics field on the
ISAG executive committee

b) serve as chair of a committee to organize a workshop dedicated to early
career researcher professional development and recognition. The ECR
representative would be expected to develop their own plan for this workshop,
but the following suggestions are made from input summarized from the member

i. Talks by outstanding early researchers presenting their own research

ii. Training workshops especially to include, but not limited to, new

ii. Professional development or skills development

Term of Service

The ECR representative would be elected as part of the process currently used
for electing new members to the ISAG executive committee and would serve
through two ISAG conferences as all new members (four years), with exception
of the first such election.

The first election would take place in Spring 2024 (as detailed below), with
the intent of the ECR representative to be seated at the conclusion of the
GBM to be held in conjunction with ISAG EC site visit to Daejeon, South Korea
in late June/early July 2024. The term of service for the first ECR
representative would thus be for 3 years only, July 2024 through the 2027
ISAG conference meeting, serving the 2025 and 2027 conferences.

Process for the nominations and election of the first ECS representative
a) a call for nominations would be made by the EC.
b) a ballot would be provided by electronic means to all ISAG members. The
ballot will include all candidates with completed nominations by the
deadline. If no one receives at least 50% of the votes, a run-off election
would be held among the top two receiving the most votes in the preliminary
c) The winner will be announced at the 2024 GBM.


March 18- nominations call out, due April 15
April 22- provide an electronic ballot of correctly nominated candidates, due
May 15
May 20- tally votes

If a run-off is needed, ISAG Executive Committee will conduct the run-off in
two weeks of May 25-June 10.

At the GBM in late June/early July, announce the results of the vote.

Any questions, please contact one of the members of the ISAG Executive
Committee (https://www.isag.us/committees.asp)

Best wishes,

Chris Tuggle
President, ISAG
For the Executive Committee
He, him, his
Christopher K. Tuggle Ph.D. Iowa State University
C. F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor 806 Stange Road
in Agriculture and Life Sciences 2255 Kildee Hall
Molecular Genetics Ames, IA 50011
Department of Animal Science PHONE 515-294-4252
email: cktuggle at iastate.edu FAX 515-294-2401



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