AnGenMap ArchivedPost

From listmasteranimalgenome.org  Mon Jan 20 08:19:46 2025
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From: Marie-Pierre Sanchez <marie-pierre.sanchezinrae.fr>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Subject: Three permanent positions in quantitative genetics
        opening in INRAE labs close to Paris or Toulouse in
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2025 08:19:46 -0600
INRAE ​​is recruiting: 3 researcher positions should soon open in
the Animal Genetics division : 2 near Paris and 1 near Toulouse

This offer may interest members of your network with a PhD. Feel free to
share this message widely.

Two positions should be opened in "Animal Genetics and Integrative Biology"
(GABI) unit, located in Jouy-en-Josas in the Ile-de-France region (20 km
South West of Paris) and one is opened in ‘’ Genetics Physiology and
Breeding Systems ”(GenPhySE) unit, located near Toulouse, South West of

The different permanent positions should be in charge of research in
- Animal Breeding for Resilience
- Sustainable Genetic Management of Ruminant Populations
- Genetic Selection Strategy for Animal Populations

Our strengths? We are dynamic, motivated teams internationally recognised
for our research in animal genetics, with strong and diverse national and
international partnerships. We are committed to scientific subjects that
raise societal issues. You will benefit from access to our cutting-edge
experimental equipment and facilities, extensive databases and
long-standing collaborations with key stakeholders in the animal sector.

We also ensure that everyone’s personal/professional life balance is
preserved. Surrounded by nature and beautiful landscapes, our lab near
Paris is close to Paris that is a national and international connection
hub. Our lab near Toulouse is ideally located at the crossroads of the
Mediterranean Sea, the Pyrenees mountains, and the Atlantic
Ocean—offering a perfect balance between professional growth and an
exceptional lifestyle in the heart of the South of France.

To apply, go to the website https://tinyurl.com/2mkhwj8c from January
28, 2025. There, you will find details on the positions, including a
video from the team leaders, and contact information. To receive an
email notification on the big day, it is possible to create a job
alert now https://jobs.inrae.fr/...aire-alerte-campagne in three
clicks. Deadline for application is March 4, 2025.

Marie-Pierre SANCHEZ, PhD
Co-animatrice de l’Equipe GBoS et de l’UMT eBis
GABI, centre de recherche Ile-de-France-Jouy-en-Josas-Antony
+33 1 34 65 21 82



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