AnGenMap Archived Post

From listmasteranimalgenome.org  Tlistmaster Jul 18 10:53:31 2024
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From: "Gregor Gorjanc" <Gregor.Gorjancroslin.ed.ac.uk>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Subject: Professor or Senior Lecturer position in
        Quantitative Genomics
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 10:53:32 -0500
Dear colleagues,

We are seeking to appoint a highly successful scientist in the broad area of
Quantitative Biology, with a focus on Quantitative Genomics applied to
breeding and animal genetics.

The Roslin Institute’s mission is to achieve sustainable agriculture, control
diseases, and enhance health. The Quantitative Biology division seeking this
appointment is spearheading the mission through data-driven innovation,
including theoretical and applied genomics. To this end, we host a
collaborative and diverse community of group leaders, researchers, and
students working towards the mission.

This appointment will be made at the Professor level or Senior Lecturer /
Senior Research Fellow level.

What we offer:

* To join the Quantitative Biology division
https://www.ed.ac.uk/...ve-biology that comprises staff
and students that make significant contributions to understanding of complex
traits genetics in livestock, plants, humans, model organisms and companion
animals, and how to leverage this understanding in managing and improving
these populations.

* Core funding to appoint a staff scientist in your team as well as an annual
consumable allowance and the opportunity to bid for intramural funding from a
variety of sources.

* A competitive salary in UE10 band for Professorial appointment, or UE09
band for Senior Lecturer / Senior Research Fellow appointment

* Additional comprehensive Staff Benefits, such as a generous holiday
entitlement, a defined benefits pension scheme, staff discounts,
family-friendly initiatives, and flexible work options. Check out the full
list on our staff benefits page and use our reward calculator to discover the
total value of your pay and benefits.

* Situated in the picturesque setting of the Pentland hills, we are a short
commute from the city of Edinburgh, consistently ranked as one of the most
desirable places to live in the UK.

Details of the post and how to apply can be found at:

Deadline: 14th August 2024

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
* Albert Tenesa (albert.tenesaed.ac.uk)
* Andrea Wilson (andrea.wilsonroslin.ed.ac.uk)
* Gregor Gorjanc (gregor.gorjancroslin.ed.ac.uk)

With regards!
University of Edinburgh      Gregor Gorjanc, PhD
The Roslin Institute         Professor & Royal Society Industry Fellow
Easter Bush                  @GregorGorjanctwitter.com
EH25 9RG                     @gregorgorjanc.bsky.social
Scotland, UK                 http://www.ed.ac.uk/...roslin/highlanderlab



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