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AnGenMap Archived Post

From listmasteranimalgenome.org  Tue Jul  9 14:35:52 2024
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From: "Carlo Pecoraro" <infophysalia-courses.org>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Subject: Conservation Genomics course (online) - 22-25 July
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2024 14:35:52 -0500
Dear all,

We only have 3 seats left in the online Conservation Genomics course.

Dates: July 22nd-25th

Course website: https://www.physalia-courses.org/.../course62/

his course will introduce attendees to how the tools of population genomics
can be used to inform conservation. The instructors will guide students
through study design, genomic data collection methods, handling of raw
genomic data, and SNP filtering to produce a dataset. Then, we will work
through a suite of analyses looking at population structure, local
adaptation, effective population size, inbreeding and relatedness. We will
provide background on the theory and application of these analyses, and then
run hands-on exercises running analyses and interpreting results. Through
hands-on exercises, the course will teach basic bioinformatics skills and how
to manipulate, visualize and interpret genomic data and patterns in a
conservation related context.

Best regards,

Carlo Pecoraro, Ph.D
Physalia-courses DIRECTOR
mobile: +49 17645230846



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