AnGenMap ArchivedPost

From listmasteranimalgenome.org  Tue Jan 11 09:26:21 2022
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From: Elisabetta Giuffra <elisabetta.giuffrainrae.fr>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Subject: FAANG Survey 2022
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2022 09:26:21 -0600
Dear Colleagues,

Since the publication of the FAANG-to-Fork paper
FAANG keeps evolving as a joint and harmonized collaboration of projects
and initiatives across the world, with focus on different complementary
aspects of genotype-to-phenotype research and applications.

In preparation of the FAANG workshop to be held on Feb. 16* we ask you to
fill an online survey (it will take <6 minutes of your time!):
Your answers will help us to best orient and optimize our future actions
towards the broad community, in particular as a first step for organizing
new thematic Task Forces that will replace (or update) the current FAANG
working groups. The survey outcomes will be presented and discussed during
the workshop.

Thanks in advance, and we wish a happy and successful new year to all of

Elisabetta, Chris and the FAANG Steering Committee
*) The FAANG Workshop will be held from 7 am-1 pm PST (10 am-4pm EST;
4 pm-10pm GMT) on February 16 (Wednesday)



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