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From listmasteranimalgenome.org  Mon Aug 26 11:09:19 2019
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From: "Hubert Pausch" <hubert.pauschusys.ethz.ch>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Subject: PhD position on cattle genomics at ETH Zurich
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2019 11:09:19 -0500
Dear colleagues

The Animal Genomics group (http://www.ag.ethz.ch) at the Institute of
Agricultural Sciences, ETH Zurich, invites applications for a PhD position:

Compilation of a bovine haplotype reference panel

Background: Thousands of cattle genomes have been sequenced using
short-read sequencing technologies. The availability of massive
sequencing data for animals from different breeds provides insight into
genomic variation that segregates within and between populations.
Moreover, sequenced key ancestors may serve as a reference panel to
predict sequence variant genotypes for all animals of a population in
silico using genotype imputation. However, existing breed-specific
reference panels are too small for most populations and most of them are
limited to single nucleotide polymorphisms and short insertions and
deletions. This position is part of a project funded by the Swiss
National Science Foundation (SNSF) to compile a highly informative
haplotype reference panel for a Swiss cattle breed.

Job description: The candidate will combine short- and long-read
sequencing data from hundreds of cattle to create a library of haplotypes
that segregate in the population. Genome graph-based approaches will be
developed and applied in order to improve the genotyping of sequence
variants beyond SNPs and Indels. The availability of long-read sequencing
data also offers the opportunity to contribute to ongoing endeavours with
regard to the de novo assembly of breed-specific reference genomes. This
is a fixed term position for 4 years with an anticipated start date of
January 1st, 2020 (negotiable).

Your profile: The successful candidate should have a strong research
interest in statistical genomics, computational biology, animal genetics
or animal breeding. Experience with a programming or scripting language
(e.g., python, R, bash) is required and basic working knowledge with
high-performance computing clusters is desired. Applicants should hold a
MSc degree in genomics, computational biology, bioinformatics, genetics,
animal sciences or disciplines related to the PhD position. Affinity to
computational genomics, bioinformatics, big data and statistics is
required. The writing of scientific papers and participation in
international conferences requires good knowledge of English.

Further information about the Animal Genomics group can be found on our
website http://www.ag.ethz.ch. For further information, please contact Prof.
Hubert Pausch at e-mail hubert.pauschusys.ethz.ch

Please submit your application online at

Kind regards,
Hubert Pausch



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