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From listmasteranimalgenome.org  Mon Aug 12 11:55:19 2019
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From: DANIEL GIANOLA <gianolaansci.wisc.edu> 
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Subject: Professor Franz Pirchner
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2019 11:55:19 -0500
Prepared by Professors Max Rothschild (Iowa State University, Ames, USA)
and Leo Dempfle (Technical University of Munich, Weihenstephan, Germany)

Professor FRANZ PIRCHNER has recently passed away. He held a key
intellectual and leading position in the field of European animal science.
He was by far one of the most prominent graduates of Dr. Jay Lush at Iowa
State University.

Franz Pirchner was born 07.01.1927 in Tyrol (Austria), and died 26.07.2019.
>From 1946-1952 he studied veterinary medicine and agricultural science in
Vienna, and afterwards had an appointment with the Agricultural Chamber of
Tyrol. During that time Pirchner enjoyed visiting and reading in the
"America Haus". There he came across Lush's 'Animal Breeding Plans' and was
very much impressed by the scientific approach to genetic improvement of
livestock. In Europe at that time Mendel's laws of genetics were of course
known in animal breeding but it was unclear how to utilize operationally
that knowledge in animal breeding. Consequently Pirchner joined the group
of Dr. Lush from 1954 until 1957 as a Ph.D student.

Back in Europe he worked for some time for the Ministry of Agriculture in
Vienna and then worked for four years mainly internationally as a poultry
geneticist for the Heisdorf & Nelson Company. Afterwards he was appointed
first as a professor at the Veterinary University in Vienna and from 1971
until 1995 at the Technische Universität München. He was a talented and
enthusiastic teacher who had great influence in the academic world,
especially in Europe. He enthusiastically and unselfishly supported the
younger scientific generation as well.

His Book 'Populationsgenetik in der Tierzucht' (1974) was widely used and
there was a second edition in German and English. (see below)

In addition, Pirchner was also very early concerned about genetic
resources. There he was engaged in the conservation of the 'Tiroler
Grauvieh'. Internationally, he was active as president of the genetic
commission of the EAAP and president of the WCGALP.

He held honorary Ph.D degrees from the University of Ghent and the ETH-

He was also for many years editor for the journal 'Zeitschrift für
Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiology' (Journal of Animal Breeding and

Daniel Gianola
Sewall Wright Professor Emeritus of Animal Breeding and Genetics
Department of Animal Sciences
Department of Dairy Science
University of Wisconsin-Madison
440 Animal Sciences Building
1675 Observatory Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
Fax: +1-608-262-5157

"Nature is written in mathematical language (Galileo). If nothing else
works, try Bayes theorem"

"Bayesian methods with subjective priors may butcher the processes of
science" (adapted from Oscar Kempthorne)



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