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From listmasteranimalgenome.org  Mon Jun 24 16:48:58 2019
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From: "Liu, Wansheng" <wul12psu.edu>
Subject: RE: Paola Mariani
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2019 16:48:58 -0500
Hi Dan and Alessandra,

I was shocked by the sad news. Paola and I did a post-doc about the same
time at UMN, and we were collaborated on a project and co-authors on a few
papers. She smiled all the time and was the nicest person I have ever met.

She will be deeply missed.

Please pass my most sincere condolences to her family.



Wansheng Liu, PhD
Professor of Animal Genomics
Department of Animal Science
Center for Reproductive Biology and Health (CRBH)
College of Agricultural Sciences
The Pennsylvania State University
310 Forest Resources Laboratory (FRL)
University Park, PA 16802
Tel: 814 867 1673
Email: wul12psu.edu

-----Original Message-----
.From: DANIEL GIANOLA <gianolaansci.wisc.edu>
.Sent: Monday, June 24, 2019 4:40 PM
.To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
.Subject: Paola Mariani

Dear all

Paola passed away peacefully last night. She was unique and will be very
deeply missed.

For those around Milan, we will say goodbye to Paola on Wednesday Morning
10 AM, Casa Funeraria San Siro, Via Corelli 120

Alessandra Stella

Daniel Gianola
Sewall Wright Professor Emeritus of Animal Breeding and Genetics Department of
Sciences Department of Dairy Science University of Wisconsin-Madison
440 Animal Sciences Building
1675 Observatory Dr.
Madison, WI 53706



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