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From listmasteranimalgenome.org  Tue Sep 25 15:14:04 2018
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From: Eileen Wall <Eileen.Wallsruc.ac.uk> 
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Subject: New opportunities in dairy genetics and dairy
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2018 15:14:04 -0500
As part of strategic developments in dairy sciences at SRUC we are exciting
to announce several new opportunities in dairy sciences, focusing on
genetics, nutrition and systems based research. SRUC wishes to expand its
activities in dairy teaching, research, and consultancy - supporting new
initiatives both in the UK and internationally as part of the Edinburgh
node of the Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health
(http://www.CTLGH.org) a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded initiative. These
jobs are at a range of levels and offer a unique opportunity to join an
exciting programme of work with a global focus and career progression.

Professor/Reader in Tropical Livestock Genetics/Genomics, Edinburgh

CTLGH and its founding partners are seeking to appoint an outstanding
scientist in the field of Tropical Dairy Genetics/Genomics. The appointment
will be made by SRUC with formal joint appointments with the University of
Edinburgh and ILRI. The post holder will in the first instance joint an
existing team to coordinate activities and lead the implementation of the
body work with the vision of harnessing the genetic potential to increase
tropical bovine climatic adaptation and to improve productivity. The post
holder will also be required to develop and execute research and capacity
building activities focused on genetic dissection of priority traits to
support tropical cattle productivity, adaptability, resilience and feed
utilisation efficiency at the two CTLGH nodes and also spend considerable
time at the Nairobi node.

Professor/Reader in Global Dairy Systems, Dumfries

This post is created as part of SRUC’s a strategy for expansion of dairy
teaching, research, and consultancy in the South-West faculty. It runs
alongside consolidation and renewal of dairy facilities and new initiatives
to align our work with the modern industrial strategy and global challenges
funding. This role will enable the provision of strong support for farmers,
dairy businesses and both consultants and teaching within SRUC in South
West Scotland and provides large opportunities to project UK dairy science
internationally – both through promoting Agritech solutions in developed
countries and innovating to support dairy systems in developing
countries.We have project links in Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia, with
a portfolio of projects and studentships funded through the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation. This appointment will enable the consolidation of current
activity and the development of new opportunities and will be a key link to
all SRUC activity related to the CTLGH including working closely with CTLGH
dairy genetics posts in Edinburgh.

Professor/Reader in Dairy Nutrition, Dumfries

Part of the strategy for expansion in dairy activities in the South West of
Scotland investment in state-of-the-art facilities for research with
calves, as well as the anticipated consolidation and redevelopment of SRUC
dairy farming activity will provide a new focus on ‘precision livestock
farming’ that will underpin development of new approaches to dairy
nutrition. This post will drive a programme of work in ‘precision
nutrition’ which will be highly complementary to the long-standing
expertise in dairy genetics and dairy systems of the Langhill project.
There is a strong opportunity to develop funding and facilities to explore
the nutrition and responses of these animals throughout their lifetime
(also representing efficient use of ‘replacement’ animals that we need
to have). This role presents an opportunity to build a dominant force in
next-generation dairy nutrition.

Postdoctoral post in tropical livestock genetics/genomics, Edinburgh

CTLGH and its founding partners are seeking to appoint an outstanding
scientist in the field of the analysis and development and use of
computational methods to analyse large genomic datasets, with a focus on
tropical livestock genetics and health. We are looking to recruit someone
with demonstrable skills in relation to the analysis of large genomic
datasets, particularly analytical approaches that underpins the
developments in genome wide association studies and genomic selection.

PhD Studentship - Social networks, risk management and uptake of improved
dairy technologies

This project will extend understanding of technology adoption within LMICs
by augmenting farm level economic analysis with social network analysis for
a range of dairy farmers operating in Kenya and Sub-Saharan Africa. This
will be conducted through collection of primary data in rural locations,
and application of novel analytical methods. This exciting studentship is
for 3.5 years, joint funded between Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) and
the Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Security, University of

Further information on each of the posts is available at the different web


Eileen Wall Integrative Animal Sciences SRUC, Edinburgh

SRUC: A Charitable company limited by guarantee, Scottish Charity Number:
SC003712. SAC: Commercial Limited, an SRUC company registered in Scotland,
Company Number: SC148684

Registered Office:
Peter Wilson Building,
King’s Buildings,
West Mains Road,
Edinburgh EH9 3JG



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