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From listmasteranimalgenome.org  Sat Mar 17 14:38:41 2018
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From: "Guilherme J. M. Rosa" <grosawisc.edu>
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To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Subject: 2018 Arthur B. Chapman Lectures in Animal Breeding
        and Genetics
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2018 14:38:41 -0500
2018 Arthur B. Chapman Lectures in Animal Breeding and Genetics

Dr. William M. Muir – Purdue University, USA

The 2018 Arthur B. Chapman Lectures in Animal Breeding and Genetics at
the University of Wisconsin-Madison will be presented on April 30
(Monday), 2018 by Professor William Muir.

Dr. William M. Muir attended the University of Illinois where he received
both his B.S. in Conservation Biology and M.S. in Quantitative Genetics,
and Purdue University where he received a Ph.D. in Population Genetics.
He is Professor Emeritus at Purdue University, Department of Animal
Sciences, and has held positions at the University of Kentucky Department
of Statistics, and Indiana University School of Medicine. He is the
recipient of the Animal Well-Being Award, American Poultry Science
Association, Merck Research Award for Achievement, and Certificate of
Excellence from the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology;
served on the National Academy, National Research Council on Animal
Biotechnology. He is an internationally recognized authority in poultry
breeding and genetics. He has over 200 peer reviewed publications, 3 in
PNAS, 1 in Science on Line, and edited the book Poultry Genetics,
Breeding, and Biotechnology. He was the first to demonstrate that "group
selection" is an effective breeding method to address animal welfare
concerns in poultry while at the same time improving productivity.  He
further developed methodology to estimate an animal's competitive, or
indirect genetic effect, on group productivity and thereby provided
generalized breeding methods to address competitive issues in both animal
and plant breeding programs. His work is frequently quoted in a wide
variety of news media outlets, including Nature, NOVA, NPR, the Evolution
Institute, Forbes, the Today Show, USA Today, BBC News online. A TED Talk
by the management expert Margaret Heffernan was the first person to apply
the lessons of Muir’s research directly to the human workplace. His
“Super-chicken” model, featured in “Down with the Pecking Order –
Geneticist’s Superchicken Research Takes Flight as a Metaphor for
Effective Team Management, can be found on Wikipedia. He also developed
methodology for biotechnology risk assessment of genetically modified
organisms thereby providing government agencies, industry, and
environmentalists with objective assessments of risk for the protection
of the environment while promoting responsible use of biotechnology.

April 30 (Monday) 8:50 a.m., Room 212, Animal Science Building: ‘The
Science and Science Fiction of GMOs: “With Great Power Comes Great

April 30 (Monday) 12:05 p.m., Room 209, Animal Science Building:
‘Development of Reliable Breeding Programs to Improve Animal Welfare
and/or Productivity in Competitive Environments’

The A.B. Chapman Lectures in Animal Breeding and Genetics have been
presented annually since 1994 by leading world scholars in the various
fields related to genetic improvement of livestock. Previous A.B. Chapman
Lecturers have been:

Dr. Brian W. Kennedy (Canada, 1994); Dr. Jean-Louis Foulley (France,
1995); Prof. William G. Hill (United Kingdom, 1996); Dr. Brian P.
Kinghorn (Australia, 1997); Dr. R. Leyden Baker (Kenya, 1998); Dr. Louis
Ollivier (France, 1999); Prof. Morris Soller (Israel, 2000); Dr. Laurie
Piper (Australia, 2001); Prof. Max. F. Rothschild (Iowa State University,
2002); Prof. James F. Crow (University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2003); Prof.
L. Dale Van Vleck (USDA and University of Nebraska at Lincoln, 2004);
Prof. Jack C. M. Dekkers (Iowa State University, 2005); Prof. E. John
Pollak (Cornell University, 2006); Prof. Leo Dempfle (Germany, 2007);
Prof. Agustin Blasco (Spain, 2008); Prof. Miguel A. Toro (Spain, 2009);
Prof. Daniel Sorensen (Denmark, 2010); Prof. Trudy Mackay (North Carolina
State University, 2011); Prof. Dorian Garrick (Iowa State University,
2012); Prof. Henner Simianer (Germany, 2013); Prof. Jeremy Taylor
(University of Missouri, 2014); Prof. Alison L. Van Eenennaam (University
of California, 2015); Prof. Michael E. Goddard (University of Melbourne,
2016); Prof. Noelle Cockett (Utah State University, 2017).

The A. B. Chapman lectures are financially supported by the A. B. Chapman
Fund, University of Wisconsin Foundation.

Guilherme J. M. Rosa
University of Wisconsin - Madison
436 Animal Science Building
1675 Observatory Dr.
Madison, WI 53706 USA
Phone: + 1 (608) 265-8617
Fax: + 1 (608) 263-9412
E-mail: grosawisc.edu
Webpage: http://www.ansci.wisc.edu/...cultypages/rosa.html



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