Year Subscribers Posts
1993 137 77
1994 168 152
1995 234 231
1996 329 361
1997 542 305
1998 567 276
1999 638 311
2000 779 374
2001 862 295
2002 900 233
2003 998 248
2004 1,107 228
2005 1,265 286
2006 1,383 272
2007 1,484 297
2008 1,625 262
2009 1,754 266
2010 1,882 319
2011 2,139 479
2012 2,326 489
2013 2,497 482
2014 2,582 289
2015 2,858 313
2016 3,044 301
2017 2,985 265
2018 3,128 285
2019 3,209 290
2020 3,184 272
2021 3,164 301
2022 2,930 313
2023 3,058 279
2024 3,167 277
2025 3,183 65
- Last update on:
Mar 27, 2025
- Counts for previous years were from each year-end records.
Notes on AnGenMap Development
The AnGenMap discussion mailing list was started in 1993 on Iowa State
University's Vincent Unix system using mail forward list with an account alias
to serve the AnGenMap group mailing.
In late 1998 the list was transferred to a SmartList Mailing Listserv customized on a DEC Unix
system, where handling of postings, subscription / unsubscription and other
list maintenance functions were automated. During the years 2000-2005, web interfaces were
developed for the ease of use of the list with a number of web functions
(e.g. sub/ unsub /info /help for users, and sub/unsub helper tool for list
managers) to have effectively helped minimizing the management workloads. A
number of patches were also added to take care some
of the listserv management routines and enhence the ability to fight against
SPAM among other unwanted mails. Procmail based Spam
filters were continuely added/tuned over time.
In the spring of 1999, a web-based member
directory was developed to couple with the listserv for handling some
of the user requests and membership management tasks using web tools. In 2007 the system was given an overhaul for better security and
easier management. The new utilities included a user
profile manager, which allows users to list alternative emails (for
posting) and change subscription options settings. A web
post web interface was added in 2008 as an
alternative to traditional email methods, which is effective to by-pass a
number of filters for spam, format, and sender checks. In 2010 a file
share platform was developed for AnGenMap members to share
non-ascii or large files as oppose to email attachments which are not
processed under cyber-safety considerations. As the list was turned to a
moderated mode in 2012, a moderator's
switchbox tool was developed for multiple moderators to review and
approve posts. In 2013, a mail
digest function was made available for subscribers who do not wish to
receive instant email posts. The Digest service sends users weekly "recent
posts" summary and relay reading of the mails to web links (as opposed to
traditional Mail Diegest which piles all "recent" mails into one email
body). The option to use this function is managed through the user
profile settings in the member's directory. Also in 2013,
all archived mails are processed into web accessible hyper
mails threaded by dates, by subjects, or by authors. In the
meanwhile, web posting forms are made available also
on public web pages, leaving the security control layer behind the scene. In
2014, the moderator's switchbox was improved to
include a function for cleaning mail text mixed with
quoted-printables. In 2016, the
moderator's switchbox was improved to include a tool for decoding MIME coded mail text. In 2022,
the auto-response "-request" listserv function was disabled as part of our
efforts to simplify the listserv operations. The listserv has been
transitioned to using user profiles managed with web tools for their list
subscriptions, unsubscriptions, list mail "digests", alternative email
boxes, etc. The change to using more user-friendly web tools also helps to
avoid vulnerabilities of old-fashioned email auto-responding processes.
As a side story, since 2010, the AnGen
Dir profile management system has been used to serve as a generic
user authentication management tool for controled access to services on the
AnimalGenome.ORG such as several listserv moderator tools, FAANG membership
managements, working group managements, VCF file repository data ownership
managements, and NAGRP File sharing platform, etc.
A Frequently Asked Quetions (FAQ)
list has been developed and maintained since 2008.
Zhiliang Hu (May 1999; ... Jul 2022)