The Animal QTLdb Release
Aug 26, 2017


Release 33

(Aug 26, 2017): A sum of 10,384 new QTL added to the database. The current total number of QTL in the database: 136,137 [Breakdown by species -- Cattle: 99,652; Chicken: 7,812; Horse: 1,278; Pig: 25,610; Sheep: 1,658; Rainbow trout: 127] (New additions less obsolete/retracted ones: Catfish: 0; Cattle: 1,562; Chicken: 1,021; Horse: 3; Pig: 7,655; Sheep: 143; Rainbow trout: 0 -- Net increase: 10,384).
( This is a joint release with the 1st CorrDB release) Database developments: (1) A "permanent record locator" has been implemented in the AnimalQTLdb to provide unique and stable links to all curated QTL/association data for a publication. The new "permanent record locator" is a replacement of a "URL Link" function introduced two years ago and overcomes some of its shortcomings. It can be used by the authors to refer to their published data, to provide proof of evidence of data entry at the Animal QTLdb to journal editors/manuscript reviewers, and to serve other purposes. All QTLdb curators/editors have access to this tool for their curated data. (2) The backend database structure and processes to handle curation of QTL traits paralleled with VT/LPT/CMO ontology developments have been undergoing further improvements in terms of facilitating curation of trait terms modified by a diversified list of entities such as time, anatomical locations, measurement methods, etc. This is in conjunction with Animal Correlation Database (CorrDB) development. Stay tuned for further news. (3) We have registered 5 users for new curator accounts this year. We encourage users to apply for an Animal QTLdb curator account to learn how it may help their research, and to possibly be more involved in database development. We love to work with you and appreciate your useful ideas, suggestions, and/or requests, which all help to make the database/tools more useful to the community. (4) Periodic data checks on "on-hold", "conditionally released" (such as QTL/associations marked with 'ss' SNPs), and "suspended" data have been automated. This helps to make sure no sub-optimal data goes unnoticed.

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