The Animal QTLdb Release
Aug 25, 2014


Release 24

(Aug 25, 2014): A sum of 3,876 new QTL added to the database. The current total number of QTL in the database: 28,624 [Breakdown by species -- Cattle: 11,543; Chicken: 4,337; Horse: 345; Pig: 11,610; Sheep: 789; Rainbow trout: 127] (New additions less obsolete ones: Cattle: 2363; Chicken: 55; Horse: 345; Pig: 1113; Sheep: 0; Rainbow trout: 0 -- Net increase: 3,876).
Functions: (1) UCSC: The complete implementation of livestock animal QTL tracks at the UCSC site took extended time and they are finally made available in the recent new release of UCSC Genome browser. Thanks to Pauline Fujita and Robert Kuhn for their deligent works to facilitate this. (2) A new QTLdb curator tool is added to help users batch deposit their QTL/association data. As a matter of fact among 3876 newly curated QTL/association data, two thirds of them (2,550) were curated using this tool. (3) A new search tool is added to the Animal QTLdb to allow query of neighboring QTL/associations by a user-defined view window. Its utility comes with a sliding window, also defined by user on viewing size and slide distance. The tool also included a graphical representation of the two window positions relative to their chromosome locations. Hyper links enable users to bring the QTL/associations to visualize for their alignments in GBrowse. (4) We have begun to create video tutorials to introduce new tools developed for Animal QTLdb users to easily access and analyse the QTL data curated into the database. More tutorials are to be added in the coming weeks. We welcome vedio tutorial contribution from users to share your experiences as how you discovered the QTLdb utilities.

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