The Animal QTLdb Release
Apr 20, 2013


Release 20

(Apr 20, 2013): The total number of QTL/association data in the database has reached 20,217. The current total number of QTL in the database: 20,090 [Breakdown by species -- Cattle: 7,091; Chicken: 3,808; Pig: 8,402; Sheep: 789; Rainbow trout: 127] (New additions less obsolete ones: Cattle: 7091; Chicken: 3808; Pig: 8402; Sheep: 789; Rainbow trout: 127 -- Net increase: 20,217).
Functions: Fixed bugs where chromosomes were not properly displayed when a default chromosome length ratio was not met in odd situations. Improved QTLdb Curator tools: (1) Added options to allow manual search and import of PubMed references for data curation; (2) Added data review functions for curator/editor to update QTL data status; (3) Improved reference based QTL data status counts and list summary for review/retract actions; (4) Improved QTL data flow route to eliminate ambiguous data status route.

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