The Animal QTLdb Release
Aug 21, 2012


Release 18

(Aug 21, 2012): A sum of 1,006 new QTL added to the database. The current total number of QTL in the database: 17,566 [Breakdown by species -- Cattle: 5,920; Chicken: 3,442; Pig: 7,451; Sheep: 753; Rainbow trout: 88] (New additions less obsolete ones: Cattle: 0; Chicken: 280; Pig: 633; Sheep: 69; Rainbow trout: 15 -- Net increase: 997).
Functions: A number of behind-the-sence improvement were made to the QTLdb, which include semi-automated checks and updates the temporary publication IDs used in initial data curation against updated PubMed IDs, to avoid accidental re-entry of the same data; Also, when a QTL becomes obsolete, the same entry at the NCBI will not be deleted but becomes unavailable, with a message: "DISCONTINUED: This record was withdrawn by the AnimalQTLdb".

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