To analyze real data using INTERQTL, some input data files are needed that include a pedigree file, a genome information file, files that contains marker genotypes for F1 parents and the progeny, respectively, and a file that contains trait records of the progeny. In simulation researches, however, only the pedigree file needs to be prepared manually. All other files are automatically generated using the simulation module.


The following is a brief guidance to preparing your input data files.


2.1  Input files


2.1.1  Genome file


This is a text file that contains information about chromosomes and markers. By default, the file name is given as “genome.txt”, but you may use whatever filename you like. Follow the following format to prepare this file.


        [no_of_markers]  (space)  [no_of_chromosome]  (space) [marker_name] (space)  [map_position] 


For example, a genome file for two chromosomes may look like as below. Be sure that a “-999” is put to end of the file. Otherwise, you’ll get warning of incorrect data format and the program will refuse to go on with the analysis. Also note that you must used underlines to connect words and digits for marker name.


     0   0   0M__0       0

     1   0   0M__1      10

     2   0   0M__2      20

     3   0   0M__3      30

     4   0   0M__4      40

     5   0   0M__5      50

     6   0   0M__6      60

     7   0   0M__7      70

     8   0   0M__8      80

     9   0   0M__9      90

    10   0   0M_10     100

    11   0   0M_11     110

    12   0   0M_12     120

    13   0   0M_13     130

    14   0   0M_14     140

    15   0   0M_15     150

    16   1   1M__0       0

    17   1   1M__1      10

    18   1   1M__2      20

    19   1   1M__3      30

    20   1   1M__4      40

    21   1   1M__5      50

    22   1   1M__6      60

    23   1   1M__7      70

    24   1   1M__8      80

    25   1   1M_19      90

    26   1   1M_10     100




2.1.2 Pedigree file


This is a text file that contains pedigree relationship in families that are used in the analysis. By default, the file name is given as “pedigree.txt”, but you may use whatever filename you like. An example of the pedigree file that contains 5 interconnected families goes below:


        Type_of_inbred_cross          DHL


        Number_Of_mapping_families        5

        Number_Of_founder_parents          5


        Family_0_structure            20   0   1

        Family_1_structure            20   1   2

        Family_2_structure            20   2   3

        Family_3_structure            20   3   4

        Family_4_structure            20   4   0


The first line defines the type of progeny which is used in QTL mapping analysis. We use the following codes to define different progeny types: 

        BC1  ------ backcross to paternal parent

        BC2  ------ backcross to maternal parent

        F2     ------ intercross of F1s

        DHL  ------ double haploid lines

        RIL    ------ recombinant inbred lines

The second and third lines give the number of mapping families and the number of founder parents that these mapping families are derived. Note that we start counting families and parents from 0. Following lines are descriptions of each mapping family. In the right side, the numbers give family size (i.e. number of progeny in each family), paternal parent id and maternal parent id, respectively. For example, the first family (Family_0) consists of 40 progeny that are derived by mating parent_0 and parent_1. In preparing the file, you must also use underlines to connect words and digits for description phrases.


2.1.3  F1 marker file


This is a text file that contains marker genotypes for F1 parents. By default, the file name is given as “f1.txt”, but you may use whatever filename you like. Following the format below to prepare this file.


        [marker_name] (space)  [marker_0_genotype] (space) [marker_1_genotype]  (space) …… 


With the genome information given before, an example marker file for 5 f1 parents goes as below.


        0M__0      01  12  23  34  40

        0M__1      01  12  23  34  40

        0M__2      01  12  23  34  40

        0M__3      01  12  23  34  40

        0M__4      01  12  23  34  40

        0M__5      01  12  23  34  40

        0M__6      01  12  23  34  40

        0M__7      01  12  23  34  40

        0M__8      01  12  23  34  40

        0M__9      01  12  23  34  40

        0M_10      01  12  23  34  40

        0M_11      01  12  23  34  40

        0M_12      01  12  23  34  40

        0M_13      01  12  23  34  40

        0M_14      01  12  23  34  40

        0M_15      01  12  23  34  40

        1M__0      01  12  23  34  40

        1M__1      01  12  23  34  40

        1M__2      01  12  23  34  40

        1M__3      01  12  23  34  40

        1M__4      01  12  23  34  40

        1M__5      01  12  23  34  40

        1M__6      01  12  23  34  40

        1M__7      01  12  23  34  40

        1M__8      01  12  23  34  40

        1M__9      01  12  23  34  40

        1M_10      01  12  23  34  40


Note that we code marker genotypes by their origins of founder parents. For example, genotype 01 means that the two marker alleles come from parent-1 and parent_1, respectively. Also, note that you have to use digits for coding marker genotypes. You cannot use characters for marker genotypes in INTERQTL.


2.1.4 Progeny marker file


This is a text file that contains marker genotypes for all progeny. By default, the file name is given as “markers.txt”, but you may use whatever filename you like. Following the example below to prepare this file.


       {First marker genotypes}

        0M__1    00 11 11 11 00 11 00 00 00 11 00 11 11 11 11 00 00 00 11 00  {genotypes for individuals in family 0}

                      11 11 11 11 22 22 22 11 22 11 22 22 22 22 11 22 11 11 22 11  {genotypes for individuals in family 1}

                      33 22 22 22 33 22 33 33 33 33 22 33 22 33 22 33 33 22 33 33  {genotypes for individuals in family 2}

                      33 33 44 33 44 44 33 33 33 44 33 33 33 33 44 44 44 33 33 44  {genotypes for individuals in family 3}

                      00 00 00 44 00 00 44 44 00 44 00 00 00 44 00 00 44 00 00 00  {genotypes for individuals in family 4}

        {Second marker genotypes}

        0M__2   00 11 11 11 00 11 00 00 00 11 00 11 11 11 11 00 00 00 11 00   {genotypes for individuals in family 0}

                      11 11 11 11 22 22 22 11 22 11 22 22 22 22 11 22 11 11 22 11  {genotypes for individuals in family 1}

                      33 22 33 22 33 22 33 22 33 33 22 33 22 33 22 33 33 22 33 33  {genotypes for individuals in family 2}

                      33 44 44 33 44 44 33 33 33 44 33 33 33 33 44 44 44 33 33 44  {genotypes for individuals in family 3}

                      00 00 00 44 00 00 44 44 00 44 00 00 00 44 00 00 44 00 00 00  {genotypes for individuals in family 4}

        {Third marker genotypes}

         0M__3   00 00 11 11 00 11 00 00 00 11 00 11 11 11 11 11 00 00 11 00  {genotypes for individuals in family 0}

                      11 11 11 22 22 22 22 22 22 11 22 22 22 22 11 22 11 11 22 11  {genotypes for individuals in family 1}

                      33 22 22 33 33 22 33 22 33 33 22 33 22 33 22 22 33 22 33 33  {genotypes for individuals in family 2}

                      33 44 44 33 44 44 33 33 33 44 33 33 33 33 44 44 44 33 33 44  {genotypes for individuals in family 3}

                      00 00 00 44 44 00 00 44 00 44 00 00 00 44 00 00 44 00 00 00  {genotypes for individuals in family 4}



Provide data for marker genotypes locus by locus, with each line corresponding to each family. That is, the first line are marker genotypes for the first family, the second line for the second family, and so on. Note these above are genotypes for double haploids and heterozygous genotypes exist. ATTENTION: words in { } are comments and they should not be include in the trait file.


2.1.5 Quantitative trait file


This is a text file that contains quantitative trait values for all progeny. By default, the file name is given as “pheno.txt”, but you may use whatever filename you like. Following the example below to prepare this file.


        {quantitative trait for individuals in the first family}

        11.07   11.75   10.75    9.39    8.75   10.22    9.86    9.61   11.25     9.5 

         12.08      11    9.08    9.91    9.42    9.33    9.82   10.67    9.18   11.56  


        {quantitative trait for individuals in the second family}

        9.16    7.88   10.27   10.63   10.06   10.36   10.23   11.73    10.8   10.67 

         11.32   10.82   10.66   11.09    9.48   11.26    8.34   10.24    9.24    9.69 


        {quantitative trait for individuals in the third family}

        8.91   11.02    9.24    9.51   10.48   10.42    8.89   10.34    9.41   10.26 

          9.72   10.58    9.16     9.5   10.36   11.56    8.88   10.98   10.03    8.81 



Provide quantitative trait values family by family, with the first 20 data as the trait values for the first family, the second 20 data as the trait values for the second family, and so on. Note that the order of individuals in each family should be in agreement in the marker genotype file and the quantitative trait file. ATTENTION: words in { } are comments and they should not be include in the trait file.


2.2  Output files


2.2.1       Files that contains location-wise posterior QTL intensity or QTL variance


The analysis generates output files for location-wise posteriors of QTL intensity, and QTL variance if the QTL effect is random. By default, qtI100_xx.txt are files that contain location-wise posterior QTL intensity and qtlVar_xx.txt are files that location-wise posterior QTL variance, where xx is the number of replications in the analysis. 


Following (Sillanpaa and Arjas, 1998), the evidences of QTL number and position were given in terms of location-wise posterior QTL density. Briefly, we divided each chromosome into intervals (bins)  of equal length (say 2cM). The interval length reflects the resulting mapping resolution. Let


be the approximate posterior QTL intensity on interval  obtained from the Monte Carlo simulation, where S is the number of saved MCMC cycles (sampling iterations), T is the number of putative QTL in the model, and  is the number of QTL in  in round t of the simulation. The product  gives an approximation of the posterior frequency of QTL in interval .


For assessing QTL variance, location-wise posterior densities for QTL variance are also defined. Let  be the cumulative distribution functions associated with QTL additive variance in the small interval , estimate of which is given as


where  is estimated variance of QTL mapped to this interval.


The following are example files that contains location-wise posterior QTL intensity or QTL variance for 10 meta-runs. A QTL is simulated at 11 cM at the chromosome.


[Location-wise QTL intensity]

aType      1cM      3cM      5cM      7cM      9cM     11cM     13cM     15cM     17cM     19cM      … …

     1          0.62     0.87        1       2.42     18.91     27.63        5         0.85      0.79       1.19       … …

     1          0.37     0.51      0.59    1.77      17.05    30.08      4.59       1.34      0.92       1.33       … …

     1          0.34     0.51      0.63    1.62      20.24    27.23      4.87       0.95      0.69       1.02       … …

     1          0.39     0.61      0.74    1.71      18.17    27.26      5.15       0.51      0.47       0.53       … …

     1          0.49     1.08      1.57    2.18      19.72    27.05      5.02       1.02      0.99       1.24       … …


[Location-wise QTL variance]

aType      1cM        3cM        5cM        7cM        9cM       11cM     13cM       15cM     17cM      19cM      … …

     1       0.0617    0.0731    0.0745    0.1056     0.1399    0.1319    0.1178     0.1028    0.0931    0.1038     … …

     1       0.0354    0.0413    0.0384    0.0850     0.1049    0.1062    0.1049     0.0949    0.0814    0.0711     … …

     1       0.0692    0.0612    0.1048    0.1257     0.1567    0.156      0.1382     0.1055    0.0973    0.0979    … …

     1       0.0681    0.0719    0.0757    0.1046     0.1651    0.1807    0.2244     0.1485    0.1189    0.0835    … …

     1       0.0791    0.0983    0.1030    0.1234     0.1527    0.1771    0.1821     0.1453    0.0992    0.0819    … …


2.2.2       Files that contain Markov chain values (i.e. posteriors of model parameters)


Users can also choose to generate files that contain Markov chain values (i.e. posteriors of model parameters). By default these files are named mix_xxMy where xx is the number of replications in the analysis and y is code for the type analysis.

The format of the mix files may vary, depending on settings of the analysis. Posterior parameters that may present in the mix files include:

    logL --- the negative number is log likelihood of the model with an accepted QTL number.

    QTL --- id of a putative QTL in the model

    Chr --- id of chromosome where the putative QTL is on

    qDist --- posterior location in cM of a putative QTL

    nAl  --- posterior number of alleles of a putative QTL

    Sig(q) --- square root of the additive variance of the putative QTL

    Var(e) --- residual variance

    AV_Pxx --- additive value of the allele carried by parent xx


The following is an example mix file that contains 4 saved Markov chain values. Note that the positive numbers under the title of “logL” are number of iterations. The numbers that stand alone on the right are the numbers of currently accepted QTL in the model.

    logL   QTL   Chr     qDist    Sig(q)    Var(e)      AV_P01      AV_P02

-418.84     1     1        12    0.5031    0.4549      0.1753     -0.1753           7

  100600     2     1     41.92    0.9496         0       0.132      -0.132

  100600     3     1     73.58    1.9748         0     -0.1209      0.1209

  100600     4     1    102.94    3.7878         0     -0.2134      0.2134

  100600     5     1    105.09    0.1034         0      0.1151     -0.1151

  100600     6     1    122.02    3.2825         0     -0.1274      0.1274

  100600     7     1    162.68    0.1179         0     -0.0722      0.0722

 -435.15     1     1     11.52    1.2555    0.4965      0.1503     -0.1503           7

  100700     2     1     39.53    1.3482         0      0.1468     -0.1468

  100700     3     1     42.92    3.1662         0     -0.0114      0.0114

  100700     4     1     78.86    3.4415         0     -0.1039      0.1039

  100700     5     1    108.14    0.3116         0     -0.1014      0.1014

  100700     6     1    127.15    3.8387         0     -0.1388      0.1388

  100700     7     1    133.66    0.4084         0     -0.0176      0.0176

 -428.87     1     1     10.92    1.1605    0.5461      0.1364     -0.1364           6

  100800     2     1     43.32    1.6861         0       0.172      -0.172

  100800     3     1     68.25    2.4239         0     -0.1233      0.1233

  100800     4     1     76.92    3.8507         0     -0.0167      0.0167

  100800     5     1    105.83    0.5681         0     -0.1263      0.1263

  100800     6     1    125.96    3.7717         0     -0.1385      0.1385

 -432.92     1     1      9.48    0.6776    0.4698      0.1342     -0.1342           7

  100900     2     1     43.32    1.4168         0      0.1384     -0.1384

  100900     3     1     69.21    2.0841         0     -0.1798      0.1798

  100900     4     1     69.44    3.0075         0      0.0484     -0.0484

  100900     5     1      94.6    0.0644         0     -0.0322      0.0322

  100900     6     1    105.69    0.0632         0     -0.0554      0.0554

  100900     7     1     125.4    3.5115         0     -0.1721      0.1721