Illumina and the International Porcine SNP Chip Consortium are pleased
to announce that we will soon have a preliminary 60K SNP panel and
additional content information available for anyone interested. If you
are interested in receiving this list and/or additional content
information, please contact Martien Groenen and Marylinn Munson and
Again, the deadline
to participate in the early access and pricing discounts to 5 pm Pacific
Time September 5, 2008. After 5th Sept, early access and pricing will
not be available. Don't miss out on this opportunity!! Based on total
current known order commitments worldwide, we estimate the price of the
final array will be Tier B. However if all committed orders come in +
another 1, 000 samples, the consortium will likely achieve Tier C
pricing. The prices per sample for tier B are as product $120 (USD) and
as service $192 (USD) and for Tier C $99.99 as product and $160 as
service. These includes arrays and Illumina related reagents. Pricing
does not include shipping, taxes, insurance or duties. To achieve Tier B
or C pricing, all Qualifying Orders must be received by Illumina before
5th September and meet minimum required orders. If those individuals
who do not have a system, Illumina provides Genotyping Services known as
FastTrack Services. Additionally, there are many service providers that
can provide Infinium genotyping services. Service Providers must meet
the September deadline for placing orders. Some of these providers are
able to provide Infinium services for fewer samples than Illumina's 282
sample minimum. Illumina Certified Service Providers (with Infinium
Genotyping certification) can be found at
Illumina would also be
happy to provide additional names upon request.Please do not hesitate to
contact Illumina for further information or questions at
(kindly provided by Marylinn Munson Illumina).
Sequencing progress continues on schedule. Sequencing of the pig genome
continues on schedule with completion expected in 2009. To date (August
27, 2008) sequencing is at 71% sequence coverage and 92% tile path
coverage (kindly provided by Richard Clark, Sanger).
The 31st ISAG meetings were a huge success. Good weather, great talks
and a beautiful venue all contributed to the excellent ISAG meetings.
Excellent plenary talks and many exciting workshops were available to
the attendees. On the swine side we had excellent talks in the swine
sequencing workshop and a number of other pig workshop talks. Abstracts
are available. A special thank you to our hosts who helped organize and
made it a great meeting.
Nominations of new USDA Genome Coordinators due. While scientists are
waiting on approval for our NRSP8 project renewal for the next five
years nominations for the species coordinators for the next five years
(2009 - 2013) are needed. To nominate an individual for the Swine,
Horse, Poultry, Cattle/Sheep, Aquaculture and Bioinformatics
Coordinators positions. Please make sure that your nominee has agreed to
the nomination before you submit one. Please forward your nominee's name
and complete contact information to me via email to by September 15, 2008. Feel free to contact Dr.
Muquarrab Qureshi, if you may have any
Planning for PAG XVII, January 10-15, 2009, is already underway. The
new chairs of the swine genome section are Melissa Ashwell and Cathy
Ernst. Ideas for speakers are gladly being taken by Max Rothschild or
Hans Cheng for plenary talks. Some reorganization of the species
workshops on Saturday and Sunday is likely to take place to avoid
overlap and increase attendance to the NRSP8 meetings. Stay tuned for
The pig oligo arrays can be ordered. Swine oligo arrays can now be
ordered at( . A validation experiment,
funded in part by the participants and the USDA Pig Genome Coordinator,
was reported on at PAG 2008.
Upcoming meetings (see:
3rd SABRE Conference - "Welfare and Quality Genomics" - will be held in
Foulum, Denmark on 10 and 11 September 2008. For information
- Allerton IV: Confronting Animal Phenotypes, October 26-29, 2008, UIUC
Conference Center, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. See(http://www-)
- Plant & Animal Genome Conference, PAG XVII, Jan. 10-14, 2009, Town &
Country Hotel, San Diego, CA. More info. will be available at
( .
- 6th European Poultry Genetics Symposium, Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 2009,
Bedlewo/Poznan, Poland. For further information, contact Dr. Tomasz
Szwaczkowski, .
Items for Pig Genome Update 93 can be sent to me by no later than October 15
Max Rothschild
U.S. Pig Genome Coordinator
2255 Kildee Hall, Department of Animal Science
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011
Phone: 515-294-6202, Fax: 515-294-2401
cc: Muquarrab Qureshi, CSREES and Caird Rexroad II, ARS
© US Pig Genome Coordination Program