September 1, 1993
Industry involvementi    [go to top]
At the recent annual meeting of the American Society of Animal Sciences at Spokane, a meeting was held to inform other industry personnel about efforts to map the swine genome. In attendance were individuals from six swine breeding companies, several universities and representatives of the NPPC. An overview was presented and support was sought to increase the level of activities and coordination of genome mapping projects. The companies were extremely positive and expressed verbal support of a project to produce and distribute microsatellite markers (see below). Continued participation of the swine industry will be helpful and is appreciated.
Microsatellite Production and Distribution    [go to top]One role of the coordinator is to distribute probes and markers. However, funds provided by CSRS for coordinating activities are extremely limited. After discussions with many of you, I have decided to seek outside funding to support production and distribution of published microsatellites. Markers will be produced and made available to anyone who desires to use them. A budget to produce 150 well-spaced and useful markers is being sought. Six breeding companies, including Babcock, Dekalb, Farmers Hybrid, Newsham Hybrids, PIC, and Tyson Foods, have committed funding ($2,000 each/$12,000 total). I am visiting with other industry groups and companies who also are considering donations. NPPC has contributed $10,000 for this effort and has agreed to consider future requests for additional support. I will be working with other industry personnel to see if more than the original $22,000 can be raised. Your letters of support, as well as any additional thoughts, have been greatly appreciated.
NAGRP    [go to top]The next NAGRP meeting will be held in Salt Lake City on November 17 and 18, 1993. It will be followed by the annual meeting of NC-210 "Mapping the Pig Genome" on November 18 and 19. Details for the meeting can be obtained by contacting Drs. Jim Womack or Larry Schook, who have been asked by Dick Frahm to organize the NAGRP meeting. Details for the NC-210 meeting will be sent by Larry Schook, this year's NC-210 chair. Hopefully, every lab can send at least one individual. Some funding is available through the swine genome coordinator to support travel of the swine chairman and secretary to this meeting.
Position Opening    [go to top]Assistant to the National Swine Genome Coordinator Person with molecular genetic experience and interest in gene mapping needed to assist in national swine genome coordinating effort funded by CSRS. Duties include preparing, testing, and shipping materials for genetic and physical mapping, data management, performing linkage analyses, preparation of reports and updates to scientists and assistance with general project management. MS or PhD in molecular biology or animal genetics required. Experience in computing and database management desired. Please send curriculum vitae and three letters of reference to Dr. Max F. Rothschild, Swine Genome Coordinator, 225 Kildee Hall, Department of Animal Science, Ames IA 50011, Phone: 515-294-6202
E-Mail Addresses    [go to top]We are in the process of setting up an open communication system by E-mail. If I have not already contacted you please fax me (515-294-2401) or E-mail me (A3.MFR@ISUMVS.bitnet) your E-Mail address.
E-Mail Discussion Groupi    [go to top]Recognizing the rapidly changing nature of the work on the swine genome, we are in the process of setting up a computer discussion group for the rapid exchange of new ideas and the opportunity to get feedback from other scientists working on the swine genome. Details are not complete at this time, but we will be sending you an electronic mail message with these details in the near future. If you are not familiar with this type of communication, it is a scheme where you send an electronic mail message to a single address and the message is then broadcast to all people on the list. All that you need to participate is an electronic mail address and some method of accessing your mail. We will perform the necessary steps to establish the list of addresses at Iowa State and keep the list updated as necessary. Initially, all people who are on the pig genome mailing list will be added to the discussion group. Other individuals, including students and associates can request to join the group by sending their E-mail address to me at A3.MFR@ISUMVS.bitnet. We hope that everyone will be an active participant by sending messages but you can merely be a passive observer if that is the extent of your interest in this form of communication. We hope that this electronic exchange will be useful and informative.
Chinese Pig Agreementi    [go to top]Modification of the U. S. Chinese pig agreement to allow transfer of pigs or DNA continues to move forward but at a slow pace. The agreement is in the hands of the USDA at this time. As coordinator I am pushing hard for resolution of this matter so that DNA from the reference families can be shared.
Human Genetics Symposium    [go to top]The eleventh symposium of the Whitehead Institute will be held in Kresge Auditorium, MIT. Activities begin on Sunday, October 3, 1993, at 8:00 pm. Keynote speakers are Drs. Francis Collins and David Botstein. Topics scheduled for Monday include "Silencing Genes" and Complex Traits;" topics for Tuesday will be "Cancer" and "Tools for Probing the Genome." Advanced registration ($65) is encouraged. For more information, call 617-258-5183.
NAGRP NEWS    [go to top]If you did not receive your copy of this excellent newsletter please send a note to Dr. Harris Lewin, 206 PABL, 1201 W. Gregory Drive, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801.
PiGBASE Access    [go to top]If you have not sent your application to Alan Archibald (E-mail: archibald@iape.afrc.ac.uk) to gain access to PiGBASE, you are encouraged to do so. There is some very useful information available.
PiGMaP DNA    [go to top]Permits to import DNA from the U.K., French and Swedish families (80 F2 individuals) have been obtained. Transfer permits to allow sending DNA to your labs must be requested. If you are interested, please contact me.
Max Rothschild U.S. Pig Genome Coordinator 2255 Kildee Hall, Department of Animal Science Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 50011 Phone: 515-294-6202, Fax: 515-294-2401 mfrothsc@iastate.edu
Paid for by funds from the NRSP-8
USDA/CSREES sponsored
Pig Genome Coordination Programhttp://www.genome.iastate.edu/
Mailing list: angenmap@db.genome.iastate.edu
© US Pig Genome Coordination Program