**************************************************** * NAGRP Livestock Genome Database and Web Site * * http://www.animalgenome.org * * * * U S A G E S T A T I S T I C S * * * **************************************************** Begin: 01/Aug/2024:01:09:25 End : 31/Aug/2024:23:09:24 Summary ________________________________________________________ 9847811 hits were received from 91177 unique internet sites that made requests on 7825741 files, resulting in 856168 Megabytes of network traffic. Major catagory break-downs ______________________________ 2.324 Mb - ANGENMAP Activities ( 2324163 bytes) 1.804 Mb - Aquaculture Information ( 1804343 bytes) 8570.759 Mb - Bioinfo Information ( 8570759458 bytes) 79.876 Mb - Blast server ( 79875796 bytes) 2529.994 Mb - Cattle Information ( 2529993971 bytes) 14779.193 Mb - Community Activities (14779192905 bytes) 3394.185 Mb - CorrDB ( 3394184527 bytes) 227.566 Mb - Databases and Maps Info ( 227565699 bytes) 1733.902 Mb - Education Materials ( 1733901879 bytes) 10.632 Mb - Expeditor Tool ( 10632324 bytes) 835.766 Mb - GBrowse ( 835766121 bytes) 366.510 Mb - Newsletters ( 366509501 bytes) 591.177 Mb - Other Users ( 591176939 bytes) 554.236 Mb - Pig Information ( 554236401 bytes) 15075.984 Mb - QTL Database (15075983950 bytes) 3245.421 Mb - Repository ( 3245421449 bytes) 4113.853 Mb - Resources Sharing ( 4113852826 bytes) 1109.361 Mb - Site Statistics ( 1109361135 bytes) 20.092 Mb - Utility Tools ( 20091628 bytes) 177.101 Mb - VCmap ( 177100628 bytes) _________________________________________________________ I. Web access statistics in time dimension (1) Daily activities, in number of files transmitted (* = 15883) 433386 files on Aug 01 : **************************** 378169 files on Aug 02 : ************************ 339643 files on Aug 03 : ********************** 271588 files on Aug 04 : ****************** 329632 files on Aug 05 : ********************* 351931 files on Aug 06 : *********************** 399770 files on Aug 07 : ************************** 348674 files on Aug 08 : ********************** 337760 files on Aug 09 : ********************** 325491 files on Aug 10 : ********************* 359148 files on Aug 11 : *********************** 332148 files on Aug 12 : ********************* 304051 files on Aug 13 : ******************** 304469 files on Aug 14 : ******************** 282143 files on Aug 15 : ****************** 268503 files on Aug 16 : ***************** 283907 files on Aug 17 : ****************** 312131 files on Aug 18 : ******************** 303836 files on Aug 19 : ******************** 251382 files on Aug 20 : **************** 247326 files on Aug 21 : **************** 236856 files on Aug 22 : *************** 260489 files on Aug 23 : ***************** 269244 files on Aug 24 : ***************** 269059 files on Aug 25 : ***************** 291999 files on Aug 26 : ******************* 273229 files on Aug 27 : ****************** 253114 files on Aug 28 : **************** 244492 files on Aug 29 : **************** 426197 files on Aug 30 : *************************** 558044 files on Aug 31 : ************************************ (2) 24-hour cycle, in terms of network loads (kilobytes) (* = 2972) 34934 Mb downloaded during 00:00-00:59 : ************ 35633 Mb downloaded during 01:00-01:59 : ************ 36603 Mb downloaded during 02:00-02:59 : ************* 33890 Mb downloaded during 03:00-03:59 : ************ 33496 Mb downloaded during 04:00-04:59 : ************ 34684 Mb downloaded during 05:00-05:59 : ************ 34879 Mb downloaded during 06:00-06:59 : ************ 35630 Mb downloaded during 07:00-07:59 : ************ 37297 Mb downloaded during 08:00-08:59 : ************* 38049 Mb downloaded during 09:00-09:59 : ************* 35114 Mb downloaded during 10:00-10:59 : ************ 35901 Mb downloaded during 11:00-11:59 : ************* 33144 Mb downloaded during 12:00-12:59 : ************ 35978 Mb downloaded during 13:00-13:59 : ************* 36757 Mb downloaded during 14:00-14:59 : ************* 39021 Mb downloaded during 15:00-15:59 : ************** 36732 Mb downloaded during 16:00-16:59 : ************* 35055 Mb downloaded during 17:00-17:59 : ************ 34059 Mb downloaded during 18:00-18:59 : ************ 35005 Mb downloaded during 19:00-19:59 : ************ 35488 Mb downloaded during 20:00-20:59 : ************ 36817 Mb downloaded during 21:00-21:59 : ************* 36941 Mb downloaded during 22:00-22:59 : ************* 35048 Mb downloaded during 23:00-23:59 : ************ II. User Statistics (1) Top 20 sites, in number of files transmitted. 419753 216836 52-70-240-171.crawl.amazonbot.amazon 216818 3-224-220-101.crawl.amazonbot.amazon 198373 23-22-35-162.crawl.amazonbot.amazon 148871 crawl-66-249-65-36.googlebot.com 117507 crawl-66-249-65-37.googlebot.com 101449 crawl-66-249-69-97.googlebot.com 99884 crawl-66-249-69-98.googlebot.com 97465 crawl-66-249-69-99.googlebot.com 93541 crawl-66-249-69-100.googlebot.com 90944 crawl-66-249-69-101.googlebot.com 87668 crawl-66-249-69-102.googlebot.com 87096 84215 83062 82894 crawl-66-249-69-103.googlebot.com 82713 fwdproxy-rva-113.fbsv.net 80055 fwdproxy-rva-112.fbsv.net 79974 fwdproxy-rva-115.fbsv.net 79941 fwdproxy-rva-116.fbsv.net (2) Top 10 domains, in number of files downloaded: 3866891 net 2508363 com 632027 amazon 476303 1 88891 4 86365 10 85146 8 79819 16 79381 13 78936 15 III. Files access statistics (1) Top 30 most accessed directories 419771 * 79836 / 22340 /edu/blue_genes/ 16945 /QTLdb/references/ 15970 /community/angenmap/mail/view.php?f=db/ 10640 /pig/newsletter/ 10234 /helpdesk/?f=db/ 9981 /bioinfo/resources/manuals/carthagene/ 8676 /default/ 7447 /edu/PIH/ 7101 /bioinfo/resources/manuals/ 6515 /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture2/ 5966 /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture3/ 5602 /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture1/ 5564 /bioinfo/resources/manuals/ASReml3/htmlhelp/asreml/ 5241 /edu/MAS/Dekkers/PAGVII/ 4620 /cattle/maps/COMRAD/ 4493 /bioinfo/resources/manuals/ASReml2/htmlhelp/asreml/ 4466 /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture6/ 4288 /cgi-bin/QTLdb/ 4225 /cgi-bin/QTLdb/BT/ 4053 /pig/newsletter/txt/ 4015 /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture4/ 3926 /NRSP8/ 3900 /share/js/ 3869 /bioinfo/updates/ 3797 /share/popuptxt/ 3395 /edu/doe/ (2) Top 30 Most frequently transmitted files 43353 / 21872 /robots.txt 10172 /favicon.ico 8138 /edu/blue_genes/sexlim.html 4542 /default/style.css 4288 /cgi-bin/QTLdb/index 3797 /share/popuptxt/wz_tooltip.js 3653 /share/js/showhide.js 2828 /default/style2.css 2229 /edu/blue_genes/pedigree.gif 2010 /community/mail/latest 1639 /cgi-bin/angenmap/angendir 1632 /bioinfo/resources/manuals/wu-blast/ 1589 /community/bbs/ 1497 /NRSP8/ 1401 /RCN/ 1380 /community/angenmap/URLEncoding.html 1368 /community/angenmap/mail/latest/ 1352 /community/ 1190 /cgi-bin/QTLdb/BT/srchall 1151 /NRSP8/join 1116 /community/angenmap/ 1099 /cgi-bin/CorrDB/index 1090 /share/html/animanual.html (3) Top 30 Files in terms of network traffic generated (Megabytes) 5170 /anexdb..ipa_v1.fa 2496 /gtex..Bos_taurus_ARS-UCD1.2.fa.gz 2483 /repository..UMC_marker_names_180910.zip 2033 /community..Bovine_FAANG_Workshop_2024.pdf 1414 /community..ROSS-PAG-2019.pdf 1170 /cgi-bin..wlkchr 1077 /anexdb..ipa_Annotation_v1.txt 727 /repository..Sscrofa11.1.fa.gz 705 /anexdb..Affy_Porcine_Annotation-NX_v1.xls 654 /catfish..1043ZL08.454.sff.gz 470 /community..Tuggle-USPigFAANG.pdf 426 /community..PAG2019-FAANG-SwineFAANG.pdf 418 /community..Flicek.pptx 376 /log..2023_visitip.txt 366 /bioinfo..UserGuideFunctional.pdf 363 /community..PAG2023EquineFAANGUpdateTSK.pdf 337 /community..ISAG2019-Tuggle-FAANG-intro.pdf 331 /community..PAG_2024_BovReg.pdf 319 /QTLdb..2018WCGALP.pdf 316 /community..ISAG_Djebali_talk.pdf 294 /bioinfo..UserGuideStructural.pdf 289 /lunney..26159815.pdf 271 /QTLdb..2020PAG.pdf 266 /community..Giuffra_SAPS.pdf 263 /bioinfo..guidelines.pdf 258 /community..Clark_RoslinAtlasProj.pdf 255 /QTLdb..2023PAG.pdf 238 /community..Canovas_Canadian2019update.pdf [End of Report] -- Perl program (v.0.501 Aug 26, 2013) by Zhiliang Hu