**************************************************** * NAGRP Livestock Genome Database and Web Site * * http://www.animalgenome.org * * * * U S A G E S T A T I S T I C S * * * **************************************************** Begin: 01/Jan/2024:01:41:16 End : 30/Jun/2024:03:13:13 Summary ________________________________________________________ 18137184 hits were received from 262229 unique internet sites that made requests on 8976440 files, resulting in 775414 Megabytes of network traffic. Major catagory break-downs _______________________________ 21.480 Mb - ANGENMAP Activities ( 21479584 bytes) 7.122 Mb - Aquaculture Information ( 7122108 bytes) 19112.580 Mb - Bioinfo Information ( 19112579654 bytes) 33075.752 Mb - Blast server ( 33075751916 bytes) 189.371 Mb - Cattle Information ( 189371134 bytes) 0.030 Mb - Chicken Information ( 30345 bytes) 60012.819 Mb - Community Activities ( 60012819308 bytes) 8087.438 Mb - CorrDB ( 8087437508 bytes) 1289.839 Mb - Databases and Maps Info ( 1289838687 bytes) 5284.737 Mb - Education Materials ( 5284737442 bytes) 28.698 Mb - Expeditor Tool ( 28697927 bytes) 9608.845 Mb - GBrowse ( 9608845313 bytes) 2055.333 Mb - Newsletters ( 2055332517 bytes) 546.672 Mb - Other Users ( 546672308 bytes) 2317.366 Mb - Pig Information ( 2317365686 bytes) 131544.821 Mb - QTL Database (131544820635 bytes) 33242.750 Mb - Repository ( 33242749896 bytes) 20542.211 Mb - Resources Sharing ( 20542211243 bytes) 7019.643 Mb - Site Statistics ( 7019643278 bytes) 79.015 Mb - Utility Tools ( 79015025 bytes) 863.763 Mb - VCmap ( 863763141 bytes) __________________________________________________________ I. Web access statistics in time dimension (1) Monthly activities, in number of files transmitted (* = 86367) 2505540 files in Jan : ****************************** 864970 files in Feb : *********** 1397938 files in Mar : ***************** 7933957 files in Apr : ****************************************************+ 1719647 files in May : ******************** 3715132 files in Jun : ******************************************** (2) 24-hour cycle, in terms of network loads (kilobytes) (* = 1700) 26618 kb downloaded during 00:00-00:59 : **************** 30898 kb downloaded during 01:00-01:59 : ******************* 29732 kb downloaded during 02:00-02:59 : ****************** 30984 kb downloaded during 03:00-03:59 : ******************* 33715 kb downloaded during 04:00-04:59 : ******************** 27941 kb downloaded during 05:00-05:59 : ***************** 27824 kb downloaded during 06:00-06:59 : ***************** 26493 kb downloaded during 07:00-07:59 : **************** 35532 kb downloaded during 08:00-08:59 : ********************* 32975 kb downloaded during 09:00-09:59 : ******************** 29485 kb downloaded during 10:00-10:59 : ****************** 28870 kb downloaded during 11:00-11:59 : ***************** 45033 kb downloaded during 12:00-12:59 : *************************** 30301 kb downloaded during 13:00-13:59 : ****************** 25133 kb downloaded during 14:00-14:59 : *************** 32538 kb downloaded during 15:00-15:59 : ******************** 30926 kb downloaded during 16:00-16:59 : ******************* 35573 kb downloaded during 17:00-17:59 : ********************* 35899 kb downloaded during 18:00-18:59 : ********************** 38268 kb downloaded during 19:00-19:59 : *********************** 46406 kb downloaded during 20:00-20:59 : **************************** 33500 kb downloaded during 21:00-21:59 : ******************** 31827 kb downloaded during 22:00-22:59 : ******************* 28868 kb downloaded during 23:00-23:59 : ***************** II. User Statistics (1) Top 20 sites, in number of files transmitted. 2306674 requests from 107-181-244-204.static.gorillaservers.com 2222651 requests from 1962338 requests from 192-200-113-156.static.gorillaservers.com 468183 requests from 3-224-220-101.crawl.amazonbot.amazon 453857 requests from 52-70-240-171.crawl.amazonbot.amazon 453843 requests from 23-22-35-162.crawl.amazonbot.amazon 216282 requests from 202361 requests from 160848 requests from 160162 requests from 55504 requests from vuln-scan-1.its.iastate.edu 47867 requests from static. 40682 requests from 38572 requests from 34364 requests from ninja-crawler92.webmeup.com 33679 requests from 23-227-198-50.static.hvvc.us 31296 requests from 26693 requests from ip163.ip-146-59-10.eu 21145 requests from 20462 requests from 172-8-13-153.lightspeed.mmphtn.sbcglobal.net (2) Top 10 domains, in number of files downloaded: 8017540 hits from domain com 2285443 hits from domain net 1930594 hits from domain 1 1375883 hits from domain amazon 217680 hits from domain 172 216529 hits from domain 53 199095 hits from domain eu 194052 hits from domain 138 160880 hits from domain 127 153159 hits from domain de III. Files access statistics (1) Top 30 most accessed directories 1344215 accesses to folder /blast/old/ 599875 accesses to folder / 518016 accesses to folder * 437399 accesses to folder /blast/ 151875 accesses to folder /edu/blue_genes/ 140913 accesses to folder /blast/old/wblast2_cs.cgi?0 97692 accesses to folder /QTLdb/references/ 89799 accesses to folder /helpdesk/?f=db/ 81772 accesses to folder /community/angenmap/mail/view.php?f=db/ 56679 accesses to folder /bioinfo/resources/manuals/carthagene/ 55227 accesses to folder /pig/newsletter/ 50931 accesses to folder /default/ 46836 accesses to folder /bioinfo/resources/manuals/ 41207 accesses to folder /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture2/ 38553 accesses to folder /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture1/ 37918 accesses to folder /bioinfo/resources/manuals/ASReml3/htmlhelp/asreml/ 36907 accesses to folder /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture3/ 35359 accesses to folder /edu/PIH/ 32533 accesses to folder /edu/MAS/Dekkers/PAGVII/ 30703 accesses to folder /blast/old/wblast2_cs.cgi?1 30425 accesses to folder /bioinfo/updates/ 30205 accesses to folder /blast/old/wblast2_cs.cgi?%d 27293 accesses to folder /bioinfo/resources/manuals/ASReml2/htmlhelp/asreml/ 24698 accesses to folder /share/popuptxt/ 23197 accesses to folder /cgi-bin/QTLdb/ 23066 accesses to folder /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture6/ 21990 accesses to folder /pig/newsletter/txt/ 21700 accesses to folder /community/mail/ 20286 accesses to folder /community/angenmap/ 18583 accesses to folder /QTLdb/cattle/jbrowse2/static/js/ (2) Top 30 Most frequently transmitted files 839779 hits due to /blast/old/blast_cs.cgi 635994 hits due to * 320917 hits due to / 263838 hits due to /blast/old/psiblast_cs.cgi 237183 hits due to /blast/psiblast.cgi 235934 hits due to /blast/old/psiblast.cgi 197589 hits due to /blast/blast.cgi 147469 hits due to /robots.txt 140913 hits due to /blast/old/wblast2_cs.cgi?0 76109 hits due to /favicon.ico 31905 hits due to /edu/blue_genes/sexlim.html 31849 hits due to /default/style.css 30703 hits due to /blast/old/wblast2_cs.cgi?1 30205 hits due to /blast/old/wblast2_cs.cgi?%d 26867 hits due to /cgi-bin/QTLdb/index 24867 hits due to /community/mail/latest 24697 hits due to /share/popuptxt/wz_tooltip.js 11988 hits due to /community/NRSP8/ 11704 hits due to /share/js/showhide.js 11238 hits due to /community/angenmap/mail/view.php?f=db%2F8492 10831 hits due to /edu/blue_genes/pedigree.gif 9511 hits due to /community/ 9460 hits due to /bioinfo/ 9453 hits due to /bioinfo/community/team 9346 hits due to /community/angenmap/mail/view.php?f=db%2F8540 8610 hits due to /edu/blue_genes/punnet.gif 7861 hits due to /cgi-bin/CorrDB/index 7424 hits due to /community/angenmap/mail/latest/ 6483 hits due to /default/style2.css 6390 hits due to /share/html/animanual.html (3) Top 30 Files in terms of network traffic generated (kilobytes) 52948 bytes due to /anexdb..ipa_v1.fa 37667 bytes due to /QTLdb..all.fa.gz 13967 bytes due to /anexdb..Affy_Porcine_Annotation-NX_v1.xls 11281 bytes due to /repository..UMC_marker_names_180910.zip 8930 bytes due to /community..ROSS-PAG-2019.pdf 7933 bytes due to /anexdb..ipa_Annotation_v1.txt 7552 bytes due to /catfish..1043ZL0008_1.fastq.gz 7459 bytes due to /catfish..1043ZL0008_2.fastq.gz 5648 bytes due to /repository..VCF_SNPs_Indels_combined.vcf.gz 5344 bytes due to /blast..BT.all.fa 3698 bytes due to /log..2023_visitip.txt 3592 bytes due to /repository..EquCab3.fa.gz 3169 bytes due to /repository..Annotations_GATK_SNPs_Indels.vcf.gz 3091 bytes due to /repository..IP_all.fa 2718 bytes due to /community..Bovine_FAANG_Workshop_2024.pdf 2698 bytes due to /blast..bov_UMD.fa 2616 bytes due to /catfish..1043ZL08.454.sff.gz 2430 bytes due to /repository..BTA4_masked.tgz 2382 bytes due to /repository..ARS-UCD.1.2.fa.gz 2144 bytes due to /QTLdb..Milk_Association 2095 bytes due to /bioinfo..guidelines.pdf 2068 bytes due to /blast..blast_cs.REAL 2037 bytes due to /community..Flicek.pptx 1981 bytes due to /community..PAG2019-FAANG-SwineFAANG.pdf 1746 bytes due to /share..openingvideo.mp4 1638 bytes due to /QTLdb..2018WCGALP.pdf 1599 bytes due to /bioinfo..biomar_rc6_doc.pdf 1378 bytes due to /QTLdb..2020PAG.pdf 1177 bytes due to /community..Giuffra_SAPS.pdf 1165 bytes due to /bioinfo..user_manual.pdf -- [End of Report]