- Alleles -
- One of the pair or a group of genes that occupy a specific chromosome at a specific position. Different possible characteristics for one trait
- Breeding values -
- Values placed on an animal that determines the degree to which a certain trait will be passed on to offspring
- Coefficient of determination -
- Displays how strong a correlation may be between two variables
- Correlation -
- Degree to which two traits are related
- Covariance -
- Measures the variance between two random variables
- Dominant -
- One allele that masks another for a specific trait
- Epistasis -
- One gene supresses the expression of another
- Forkline -
- A method that involves determining the ratios for different pairings of alleles to give rise to the final genotypes and ratios for certain qualities of future offspring
- Genotype -
- The actual genetic code for a trait
- Heterozygous -
- Having two different alleles for one particular trait (one dominant and one recessive)
- Homologous -
- Having the same genetic traits (loci) as another chromosome (identicals)
- Homozygous -
- Having two identical alleles for one particular trait on both chromosomes (both either dominant or recessive
- Incomplete dominance -
- Two alleles provide for a blending effect to provide for a phenotype that is not exact to either
- Mean -
- The average of a set of numbers
- Multiple alleles -
- Set of three or more alleles. Only two of the set will be present in a diploid organism
- Phenotype -
- The physical or outward appearance of the genotype
- Punnett Square -
- Used to determine the possible genotypes of future offspring by using a series of squares
- Quantitative inheritance -
- A group of nonallelic genes that each comprise a small amount of expression for a specific physical trait
- Recessive -
- The allele that will be masked and not expressed, unless there is no dominant allele present
- Regression -
- Relationship of the mean value of one variable and the corresponding value of an independent variable
- Sex-influenced -
- A trait that is present in both sexes, but is more easily expressed in one sex over the other
- Sex-limited -
- A trait that is visible in only one sex
- Sex-linked -
- A trait that is carried on a sex chromosome, usually the X-chromosme
- Standard deviation -
- Measures the amount of variation within a certain distribution. Square root of variance
- Variance -
- The amount of variation between the mean and a certain individual
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