Archived Post

From  Mon May 25 23:34:04 2015
From: Frank Nicholas <>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Multiple Recipients of <>
Subject: OMIA's 20th birthday!
Date: Mon, 25 May 2015 23:34:04 -0500

Dear OMIA supporters,

                Today is OMIA's 20th birthday: it first went online on
26th May 1995.

                Many of the people who deserve thanks for enabling that
to happen, and for OMIA's subsequent development, are mentioned under
the Acknowledgements tab on the home page.

                I am optimistic that there will be many more developments
to be celebrated in the not-too-distant future.

                Last year, OMIA received an average of 2042 unique
visitors per month from a range of 124 countries. This year we are up to
an average of 2,589 unique visitors per month, from a similar range of

                Thanks to everyone who uses OMIA, who helps with the
curation, and who keeps me up to speed.




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