Archived Post

From  Wed Apr  8 22:32:28 2015
From: Frank Nicholas <>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Multiple Recipients of <>
Subject: Examples of OMIA as a teaching resource?
Date: Wed, 08 Apr 2015 22:32:28 -0500

Dear members of the OMIA Support Group,

    It's been a long time since my last message, which concerned the
possibility of applying for a US grant to enhance OMIA. With strong
leadership from Zhiliang Hu and Jim Reecy, we nearly succeeded: we were
ranked 9th of 56 applications, but they funded only the top four plus half
the fifth one! A success rate of 8%!

    Emboldened by our near miss, we are trying again this year, and one of
the issues we wish to highlight is the use of OMIA as a teaching resource.

    If any of you use OMIA as a teaching resource, or if you know of cases
where it is used as a teaching resource, would you please let me (Frank) know?

    Thanks, in anticipation


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