Archived Post

From  Fri Jan 10 23:11:10 2014
From: Frank Nicholas <>
Thread-Topic: AFRI Foundational RFA Released: opportunity for an OMIA
Content-Language: en-US
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
To: Multiple Recipients of <>
Subject: AFRI Foundational RFA Released: opportunity for an OMIA project?
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2014 23:11:10 -0600

Dear members of the OMIA Support Group

	I realise that many of you will now be at PAG. Unfortunately I am not
able to join you this year. I am sure it will be a successful (and enjoyable)

	The reason for this message is to ask whether you think it would be
feasible to consider an AFRI grant application to enhance OMIA, within the
Tools and Resources heading below.

	In addition to the ever-growing list of minor enhancements to be done,
there are two obvious major enhancements:

1. to provide details (and analyses) of all known mutations associated with
   Mendelian traits (especially disorders), along the lines of (and compatible
   with) the Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD):
2. to map OMIA traits to the most appropriate trait ontologies (building on
   the ontology work of Zhiliang and others within NAGRP Bioinformatics)

	Two full-time postdocs could be fully occupied with these two major
tasks (one for each) and with the minor enhancements.

	Given the source of funding, it would be best (maybe even essential?)
for the positions to be based in the USA. Indeed, this would be a desirable
indication of the internationality of OMIA. I imagine it would require one or
more Americans to be leads on the grant, but I would be willing to do much of
the background preparation and writing.

	Your thoughts on this would be much appreciated


-----Original Message-----
.From: Matukumalli, Lakshmi []
.Sent: Friday, 27 December 2013 3:03 AM
.To: Multiple Recipients of
.Subject: AFRI Foundational RFA Released

AFRI Foundational RFA 2014 released:

Animal Health and Production and Animal Products:

Animal Reproduction Animal Nutrition, Growth and Lactation Animal Wellbeing
Animal Health and Disease Tools and Resources - Animal Breeding, Genetics,
and Genomics Tools and Resources - Veterinary Immune Reagents US-UK
Collaborative Projects: Animal Health and Disease Veterinary Immune

Letter of Intent Deadline - February 27, 2014 (5:00 p.m. ET); Application
Deadline - May 1, 2014 (5:00 p.m. ET) Total Program Funds: Approximately
$18 million

NIFA Funding Opportunity Page: This page includes
links to the request for applications (RFA), the NIFA
Application Guide, the application package, and abstracts of funded
projects. Synopsis Page:
opportunity.html?oppId$9480. This page includes a synopsis of the funding
opportunity, a link to the full announcement (RFA) and the application

Lakshmi Kumar

Lakshmi Kumar Matukumalli National Program Leader, Animal Breeding,
Genetics and Genomics National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA E-
mail: Office: 202-401-1766 Cell: 202-841-6009




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