Archived Post

From  Mon Aug 26 17:39:11 2013
From: Frank Nicholas <>
Postmaster: submission approved
To: Multiple Recipients of <>
Subject: two new interesting papers
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 17:39:11 -0500

Dear OMIA supporters,

                I thought you may be interested in one or both of the
following news items which I have recently mounted on the OMIA home page:

Balancing selection at the polled/horns locus:

21 August 2013: A fascinating evolutionary story concerning the polled/horns
locus in Soay sheep has been uncovered by Johnston et al. (2013). This has
all the hallmarks of a classic textbook example of heterozygote advantage
(overdominance) for fitness.

Manx taillessness resolved:

15 August 2013: Buckingham et al. (2013) have reported mutations in the T
gene that are causal for the various short-tail phenotypes characteristic of
Manx cats. Short tail in Manx cats was the first feline trait to be
documented as Mendelian (by Bateson in his 1909 book "Mendel's Principles of
Heredity"). Mutations in the homologous genes in dogs and mice give rise to
similar phenotypes.

The news items on the home page contain hyperlinks to the relevant OMIA
entries (can't be included in this message because only plain text works via
the list server).





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