Archived Post

From  Fri Jun  7 00:58:59 2013
From: Frank Nicholas <>
Content-Language: en-US
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
To: Multiple Recipients of <>
Subject: OMIA information incorporated into Ensembl
Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 00:58:59 -0500

Dear Support Group,

     I am very pleased to be able to let you know that OMIA
information has now been incorporated into Ensembl!

     Thanks to some excellent work by Fiona Cunningham, Andrew Yates
and William McLaren, there are now hyperlinks to OMIA from relevant
Ensembl phenotypes and genes across all the species jointly covered
by OMIA and Ensembl. Every 10 weeks or so, the information will be
updated (automatically) from the OMIA file of disorders/traits with
known causal/key mutations:

     This is a major development, and I am very grateful to Fiona,
Andrew and William for making this possible. I am also grateful to
Laura Clarke for starting this ball rolling.





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