Archived Post

From  Thu Jan 31 15:27:17 2013
From: Frank Nicholas <>
Postmaster: submission approved
To: Multiple Recipients of <>
Subject: OMIA Support Group
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2013 15:27:17 -0600

Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) Support Group

As a result of very fruitful discussion with many members of the animal
genomics community during and since PAG XXI, I am pleased to announce today
the establishment of an informal OMIA Support Group. This group will comprise
the membership of a discussion group that Zhiliang Hu has created at Membership of the OMIA
Support Group is open to anyone with an interest in OMIA. The roles of the
OMIA Discussion Group include but are not limited to the following:

1. To receive reports on the operation of OMIA from Frank Nicholas or his

2. To provide suggestions to Frank Nicholas or his successor on the operation
of OMIA, including how best to:

a) safeguard the security of the master database and its backups

b) work towards a succession plan

3. To encourage the use of OMIA by particular animal species
genetics/genomics communities as their resource for up-to-date information
on single-locus traits (including those with published causal or key
mutations) and non-Mendelian inherited disorders.

4. To encourage and facilitate curation of OMIA by members of animal
genetics/genomics communities.

5. To agree on a prioritised list of desired enhancements to OMIA and, where
deemed necessary, to find the means for achieving these enhancements (a draft
list of desired enhancements is accessible from the above URL; tools are
under development to enable members to suggest new desired enhancements, to
provide comments and to suggest priorities).

In establishing and running the OMIA Support Group, the overall aim is to
create a group of people with a spirit of collective ownership of OMIA, and
who, if sufficiently enthusiastic about the need for one or more enhancements,
will work together to find ways of those enhancements being achieved. None of
the members of the group has any formal responsibility for OMIA. The group's
collective wisdom, however, should help to provide a firm foundation for
OMIA's future.

For those who were not at PAG XXI, a pdf of a talk on OMIA is also available
from the above URL. This provides some background to today's announcement.

If you wish to join the OMIA Support Group, please go to:

I am very grateful to the USDA-NAGRP NRSP-8 Bioinformatics Team for their
support and for providing a "home" for the OMIA Support Group. Special thanks
are due to Ernie Bailey, Max Rothschild, Jim Reecy and Zhiliang Hu.

Frank Nicholas



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