From jlittrell Wed Mar 23 11:54:36 2016
From: "Littrell, John" <jlittrell>
To: Multiple Recipients of Cri-Map Users <crimap-users>
Subject: output management
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2016 11:54:36 -0500
Hi all (again),
I have another issue.
As I run build on larger sets of markers, the output gets much larger. I can
imagine a point where this is a real problem. To fix this, I have been piping
the output to tail before redirecting to a file. For example:
crimap 20 build | tail -n 5000000 > build.out
Is this reasonable? Am I missing any useful information in all of the orders
output? Is there any other way to turn that off?
Thanks again,
Jack Littrell
Data Lackey
Medical College of Wisconsin