Minor job qualifiers.

Context: Datafile line qualifiers


Qualifiers are described in 4 sections based on frequency of use.
  • general syntax
  • The
  • major qualifiers are !CONTINUE, !CONTRAST, !DDF, !FCON, !MAXIT, !SUM and XYplots ( !X !Y !G !JOIN )
  • The qualifiers described here are less frequently required.
  • They include
        (de)selecting multivariate mode: !ASMV, !ASUV
        Spatial arrangement in multienvironment trials: !COLFAC !ROWFAC !SECTION
        graphics qualifiers: !DISPLAY, !BMP, !EPS, !WMF, NODISPLAY
        Missing values in design variables: !MVINCLUDE, !MVREMOVE,
        Setting predict points: !GKRIGE !PVAL

  • Rarely used qualifiers

    (De)selecting multivariate mode (!ASUV !ASMV)

    !ASUV indicates that while the data structure and linear model are specified in a multivariate form, the residual variance structure is not IDENTITY for units crossed with US for traits. When !ASUV is specified, it is often also necessary to include mv in the linear model and to specify the !S2==1 qualifier on the R-structure lines.

    !ASMV t indicates that while the data structure and linear model are specified in a univariate form, the data is actually arranged in a units by traits form (t nested within n units) and is to be analysed using the residual variance structure IDENTITY for units crossed with US for traits.

    Spatial analysis of a multi-environment trial

    When !SECTION site !ROWFAC row !COLFAC column
    is specified, ASReml generates the R-structure lines to fit an AR1 x AR1 variance structure for each site.
         Read More.

    Graphics qualifiers

    Whether ASReml produces graphics and whether they are displayed on the screen is controlled by
  • was the Winteracter graphics library available for this platform,
  • have graphics been turned OFF on the
  • control line,
  • are they only produced in
  • hardcopy.

    Some graphics are produced by default but others must be requested. The !DISPLAY i qualifier controls which of four spatial analysis graphics are displayed. !TWOWAY modifies the appearance of the variogram from a regular spatial grid of points. !VGSECTORS requests a variogram based on radial coordinates for irregular points.

    If you run ASReml from ASReml-W, graphics are produced as .cgm files and may then be exported in several formats. Otherwise the default format is postscript.

    The format of these hardcopy files may be changed on the commandline or by specifying one of the following on the datafile line:
         !BMP bitmap
         !EPS encapsulated postscript
         !WMF Windows Meta file
         !PS postscript
         !PNG png
         !HPGL HP graphics language
         !HPGL 2 HP graphics language II

    Missing values in the Design

    When missing values occur in design variables (as opposed to the response variable), the user must indicate whether to discard the records with containing the missing values, or whether to treat the missing values as zeros.
    Read More.

    Setting predict points

    When fitting polynomials or splines, it is sometimes desirable to predict the response surface at points other than those for which there is data. Use !PVAL to specify these points before the design matrix is formed so that the extra points have the appropriate covariables generated. For predicting a grid of points modelled with a correlation structure on a fac(X,Y) model term, use !GKRIGE to indicate how the cordinates are specified. Read More.

    Setting spline knot points

    ASReml has a model term spl(x[,k]) which, when fitted as a random term in conjunction with the covariate x fitted as a fixed term generates a cubic smoothing spline model. Several qualifiers modify the defaults with respect to choosing knot points for the spline. Read More.

    My Basis function

    The spline function used in ASReml is the common cubic smoothing spline and has a particular basis function. The !MBF qualifier provides a mechanism for a user to specify the spline covariables based on some other basis function. Read More.

    Redefining factors for use in the model

  • !FAMILY is used to construct a new factor by merging levels of an existing factor, taking the new levels from a file.
     !FAMILY fam(Genotype) Family.txt
  • !GROUP is used to construct a new factor by merging the levels of an existing factor for subsequent inclusion in the model.
     !SUBSET Year  SiteYear  1 2 3 1 2 2 3 4
  • !SUBSET is used to construct a new factor having a subset of the levels of an existing factor for subsequent inclusion in the model.
     !SUBSET Rsite  site  1 3 4 8

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