The NRSP-8 Bioinformatics coordination team can provide computer resources
to NRSP-8 member for hosting of lab/consortium databases, web-accessible
software/database presentation and other possible projects. The current
development/ hosting platforms include:
Hardware |
Intel XEON3.06A 1M 533MHZ 604PIN
- Dual processor,
- 8 GB RAM,
- 750 GB Storage.
Software |
- OS:
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Linux 2.4.21-20.ELsmp
- Web server:
- Apache 1.3.37
- Apache Tomcat 6.0.10
- PostgreSQL 8.1.4
- MySQL ver 14.7 Distrib 4.1.11
- RDMS tool:
- phpMyAdmin (MySQL manager)
- Porgramming environment:
- Perl 5.8.5;
- Bioperl 1.5.2;
- Bioperl live;
- PHP 4.3.5RC4
Backup |
User data backup is done :
- Weekly to an external backup tape device;
- Quaterly to external storage disks.
MySQL/Postgres data backup are also done by data export (dump) to SQL based plain
text files :
- Weekly data exports are kept up to one month;
- Monthly data exports are kept permanently.
The "permanent" copy of the database exports will be selectively deleted
from backup archive to save space in one of the following cases assuming:
- The data is older than 5 years
- Newer replicates of the same data are in existence in the backup
Depending upon our workload, we will strive to provide NRSP-8 human
resources for software/database development to NRSP-8 members free of
charge. Feel free to discuss your needs with our Bioinfo Team.