- A Wave Velocity [CMO:0002872] —
- A' Wave Velocity [CMO:0002874] —
- A-wave Amplitude of ERG Waveform [CMO:0003655] — The a-wave is the first large negative component of the electrical wave generated by the retina in response to light. The amplitude of the a-wave is measured from the baseline to the negative trough of the a-wave. The a-wave reflects the physiological health of the photoreceptors in the outer retina.
- A23187 Response/sensitivity Measurement [CMO:0003659] — Measurement of an organism's, organ's, tissue's or cell's capacity to respond, such as by a change in activity, state or condition, to A23187, an ionophorous, polyether antibiotic from Streptomyces chartreusensis. It binds and transports CALCIUM and other divalent cations across membranes and uncouples oxidative phosphorylation while inhibiting ATPase of rat liver mitochondria.
- A23187-induced Blood Vessel Dilation Expressed as Percent Reduction of the Force Generated in A Pre-constricted Blood Vessel [CMO:0003660] — This is a measure of the relaxation caused by the addition of A23187 to a pre-constricted blood vessel. It is the ratio of the amount of dilation compared to a fully dilated blood vessel.
- Abdominal Fat Morphological Measurement [CMO:0000311] — A measurement of the physical form or structure of the adipose tissue in the body region between the thorax and pelvis.
- Abdominal Fat Pad Weight [CMO:0000088] — Weight of the encapsulated adipose tissue in the body region between the thorax and pelvis.
- Abdominal Fat Pad Weight to Body Weight Ratio [CMO:0000095] — The weight of the encapsulated adipose tissue found in the abdomen compared to the weight of the entire body, usually expressed as a percentage.
- Abdominal Morphological Measurement [CMO:0000296] —
- Abdominal Subcutaneous Fat Area [CMO:0000245] — Area of adipose tissue found beneath the skin in the abdominal region. Sometimes calculated as total fat area minus abdominal visceral fat area.
- Abdominal Subcutaneous Fat Pad Weight [CMO:0002069] — The fat found attached to the underside of the skin in the abdominal area, in mammals between the thorax (i.e., the diaphram) and the pelvis.
- Abdominal Visceral Fat Area [CMO:0000244] — Area of adipose tissue within the muscle wall surrounding the abdominal cavity.
- Abnormal Sperm Count to Total Sperm Count Ratio [CMO:0001352] — Number of sperm which display visible defects divided by the total number of sperm in a sample, expressed as a percentage.
- Absolute Change in Adipocyte Free Fatty Acid Secretion [CMO:0000879] — The difference in the amount of free or non-esterified fatty acid released/secreted from a fat cell between two conditions, for example between the basal or baseline state and a stimulated state, such as occurs with administration of a hormone which stimulates lipolysis.
- Absolute Change in Adipocyte Free Fatty Acid Secretion Per Cell [CMO:0001447] — The difference, reported per cell, in the amount of free or non-esterified fatty acid released/secreted from a fat cell between two conditions, for example between the basal or baseline state and a stimulated state, such as occurs with administration of a hormone which stimulates lipolysis.
- Absolute Change in Adipocyte Free Fatty Acid Secretion Per Unit Volume [CMO:0001446] — The difference, reported per unit volume, in the amount of free or non-esterified fatty acid released/secreted from a fat cell between two conditions, for example between the basal or baseline state and a stimulated state, such as occurs with administration of a hormone which stimulates lipolysis.
- Absolute Change in Adipocyte Glucose Uptake [CMO:0000873] — The difference in the amount of glucose transported into a fat cell between two conditions, for example between the basal or baseline state and a stimulated state, such as occurs with administration of insulin.
- Absolute Change in Antibody Titer [CMO:0002517] — The difference in antibody titer between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Change in Arterial Blood Flow Rate [CMO:0000750] —
- Absolute Change in Blood Glucose Level Area Under Curve [CMO:0002034] — The difference in blood glucose level area under curve (blood glucose AUC) between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity. Blood glucose AUC is a calculated value in which a series of measurements of the amount of glucose in a specified volume of blood is plotted against time for a single individual and the extent of the two dimensional region bounded by the curve and the axes of the graph is determined.
- Absolute Change in Blood pH [CMO:0000300] — The difference in blood pH between two different points in time or between two different conditions.
- Absolute Change in Body Temperature [CMO:0000699] — The difference in body temperature between two different points in time or between two different conditions.
- Absolute Change in Body Weight [CMO:0002044] — The difference in the entire weight of the body of an organism between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Change in Diastolic Blood Pressure [CMO:0000608] — Calculated measurement of a difference in diastolic blood pressure between two points or two conditions expressed as a number (positive or negative), not as a ratio or percentage relative to another quantity. The diastolic pressure is the minimum arterial pressure within the cardiac cycle, usually at the point at which the heart is in a state of relaxation and expansion. This is the time when the ventricles fill with blood.
- Absolute Change in Electrocardiographic Low Frequency R-R Spectral Component to High Frequency R-R Spectral Component Ratio [CMO:0002162] — The difference between two points in time or two conditions in heart rate expressed as the ratio of the low frequency R-R interval component of the power spectrum analysis to the high frequency R-R interval component of the power spectrum analysis, expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Change in Food Intake [CMO:0001775] — A calculated measurement of the difference in the amount of food (material, usually of plant or animal origin, that contains essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and/or minerals and that is ingested and assimilated by an organism to produce energy, stimulate growth, and maintain life) taken in for utilization by the body between two points in time or two conditions, expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Change in Food Intake Volume [CMO:0001777] — A calculated measurement of the difference in the volume, i.e., the size of the three dimensional space occupied by the food (material, usually of plant or animal origin, that contains essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and/or minerals and that is ingested and assimilated by an organism to produce energy, stimulate growth, and maintain life) taken in for utilization by the body between two points in time or two conditions, expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Change in Food Intake Weight [CMO:0001776] — A calculated measurement of the difference in the weight of food (material, usually of plant or animal origin, that contains essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and/or minerals and that is ingested and assimilated by an organism to produce energy, stimulate growth, and maintain life) taken in for utilization by the body between two points in time or two conditions, expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity. Weight is the vertical force experienced by a mass as a result of gravitation.
- Absolute Change in Heart Rate [CMO:0000534] — Absolute difference in heart rate between two points in time or two conditions.
- Absolute Change in Hematocrit [CMO:0002538] — The difference in hematocrit (the percentage of total blood volume that is made up of red blood cells) between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Change in Left Rear Ankle Joint Diameter [CMO:0002152] — A calculated measurement of the difference in left rear ankle joint diameter between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Change in Left Ventricular Diastolic Blood Pressure [CMO:0001743] — The difference in left ventricular diastolic blood pressure between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Change in Left Ventricular Systolic Blood Pressure [CMO:0001019] — Calculated measurement of a difference in the pressure within the heart left ventricle at the point of maximal contraction, when the blood is forced from the left ventricle into the aorta, between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Change in Mean Arterial Blood Pressure [CMO:0000533] — The difference in mean arterial blood pressure between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Change in Partial Pressure of Blood Carbon Dioxide [CMO:0000298] — The difference between partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide between two points in time or two conditions.
- Absolute Change in Partial Pressure of Blood Oxygen [CMO:0000299] — Difference in partial pressure of blood oxygen between two points in time or two conditions.
- Absolute Change in Pituitary Gland Weight [CMO:0000618] —
- Absolute Change in Plasma Epinephrine Level [CMO:0002375] — The difference in the amount of epinephrine in a specific volume of plasma between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Change in Plasma Norepinephrine Level [CMO:0002377] — The difference in the amount of norepinephrine in a specific volume of plasma between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Change in Plasma Renin Activity Level [CMO:0000595] — The difference in the levels of renin catalytic activity in blood plasma between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Change in Pulse Pressure [CMO:0001882] — The difference in the pulse pressure of an individual between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity. Pulse pressure is the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressures, i.e. the difference between the maximal arterial pressure and minimal arterial pressure during the cardiac cycle.
- Absolute Change in Renal Blood Flow Rate [CMO:0001168] — The difference in the volume of blood delivered to or exiting from the kidneys per unit time between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Change in Renal Vascular Resistance [CMO:0001900] — The difference in renal vascular resistance between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity. Renal vascular resistance is the degree to which the blood vessels of the kidneys impede the flow of blood through them. Blood vessels are the network of muscular tubes that carry blood throughout the body. Blood is the fluid that circulates through the heart, arteries, capillaries and veins carrying nutrients and oxygen to the body tissues and metabolites away from them. Kidney is the paired organ which functions to maintain proper water and electrolyte balance, regulate acid-base concentration, and filter the blood of metabolic wastes.
- Absolute Change in Right Rear Ankle Joint Diameter [CMO:0002153] — A calculated measurement of the difference in right rear ankle joint diameter between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Change in Serum Insulin Level [CMO:0002038] — The difference in serum insulin level between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Change in Systolic Blood Pressure [CMO:0000607] — Calculated measurement of a difference in the maximum arterial blood pressure, that is the pressure at the point of maximal contraction of the heart, between two points in time or two conditions expressed as a number (positive or negative), not as a ratio or percentage relative to another quantity.
- Absolute Change in the Logarithm of the Antibody Titer [CMO:0002518] — The difference in the logarithm of the antibody titer between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity. A logarithm is the power to which a base, such as 10, must be raised to produce a given number.
- Absolute Change in the Sum of Right Rear Ankle Joint Diameter and Left Rear Ankle Joint Diameter [CMO:0002154] — A calculated measurement of the difference in the total of the right and left rear ankle joint diameters added together between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction of the sums in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Change in Thymus Weight [CMO:0000613] —
- Absolute Change in Tilted Plane Angle at Loss of Balance/traction [CMO:0002293] — The difference between two conditions or between two points in time (expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity) of the angle of inclination, i.e., the degree of divergence from the horizontal, of a surface at the point when a subject sitting or standing on that surface can no longer maintain its balance or remain in a stable position.
- Absolute Change in Urine Epinephrine Excretion Rate [CMO:0002573] — The calculated difference in urine epinephrine excretion rate between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Change in Urine Norepinephrine Excretion Rate [CMO:0002574] — The calculated difference in urine norepinephrine excretion rate between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Change in Urine Norepinephrine Level [CMO:0001634] — The difference in the amount of norepinephrine, a catecholamine hormone and neurotransmitter, secreted by the adrenal medulla and the nerve endings of the sympathetic nervous system, that causes vasoconstriction and increases heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar level, in a specified sample of urine, the fluid waste product excreted by the kidneys, between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Change in Urine Vanillylmandelic Acid Excretion Rate [CMO:0002575] — The calculated difference in urine vanillylmandelic acid excretion rate between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Change in Urine Vanillylmandelic Acid Level [CMO:0001636] — The difference in the amount of vanillylmandelic acid, the major urinary metabolite of adrenal and sympathetic catecholamines such as epinephrine and norepinephrine, in a specified sample of urine, the fluid waste product excreted by the kidneys, between two points in time or two conditions expressed as the result of the subtraction in and of itself without comparison by ratio with another quantity.
- Absolute Diurnal Change in Systolic Blood Pressure [CMO:0002278] — Calculated measurement of a difference in the maximum arterial blood pressure, that is the pressure at the point of maximal contraction of the heart, between two points in time, one during the day and the other at night, expressed as a number (positive or negative), not as a ratio or percentage relative to another quantity.
- Acetylcholine Response/sensitivity Measurement [CMO:0000737] — Measurement of an organism's, organ's, tissue's or cell's capacity to respond, such as by a change in activity, state or condition, to acetylcholine (ACh), the ester of acetic acid and choline with chemical formula CH3C=OO(CH2)2-N(+)-(CH3)3 and IUPAC name 2-acetoxy-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium, which acts as a neurotransmitter.
- Acetylcholine-induced Blood Vessel Dilation Expressed as Percent Reduction of the Force Generated in A Pre-constricted Blood Vessel [CMO:0000731] — This is a measure of the relaxation caused by the addition of acetylcholine to a pre-constricted blood vessel. It is the ratio of the amount of dilation compared to a fully dilated blood vessel.
- Acoustic Startle Response Measurement [CMO:0001519] — Any measurement of the psychophysiological phenomena such as involuntary motor and autonomic reactions, evidenced by an individual in reaction to a sudden, unexpected and usually loud noise.
- Activated Clotting Time (ACT) [CMO:0000285] — Time for whole blood to clot after the addition of particulate activators.
- Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time [CMO:0000210] — The time needed for plasma to form a fibrin clot after the addition of calcium and a phospholipid reagent. It is used to evaluate the intrinsic clotting system.
- Acute Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Incidence/prevalence Measurement [CMO:0001858] — Any measurement in which the number of individuals in a study population that display acute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) at a point in time or develop acute EAE within a determined period of time are compared to the total number of individuals in the study population. Often expressed as a percentage but could be expressed as a ratio. EAE is an animal model of brain inflammation in which inflammation is induced through immunization of the animal with central nervous system antigens or by the passive transfer of autoreactive T cells. Acute EAE is a variant of EAE having a short, monophasic timecourse of symptoms which are usually severe, followed by complete and stable recovery.
- Adipocyte Area [CMO:0001221] — A measurement of the average extent of a two-dimensional surface of or plane through an adipocyte, a connective tissue cell specialized for the synthesis and storage of fat.
- Adipocyte Basal Free Fatty Acid Secretion [CMO:0000876] — Measurement of the unstimulated, baseline or lowest possible amount of free or non-esterified fatty acid released/secreted from a fat cell.
- Adipocyte Basal Glucose Uptake [CMO:0000871] — Measurement of the unstimulated, baseline or lowest possible amount of glucose transported into a fat cell. Glucose is the monosaccharide sugar which is the principal circulating sugar in the blood and the major energy source of the body. Fat cells are connective tissue cells specialized for the synthesis and storage of fat; such cells consist of a large cytoplasmic vesicle filled with globules of triglycerides with the nucleus displaced to one side and the cytoplasm seen as a thin line around the fat vesicle.
- Adipocyte Basal Radioactive Glucose Uptake [CMO:0001445] — Measurement of the unstimulated, baseline or lowest possible amount of radioactively-labeled glucose--the monosaccharide sugar which is the principal circulating sugar in the blood and the major energy source of the body, to which one or more atoms that give off radiation as the result of the disintegration of their nuclei have been covalently attached--transported into a fat cell.
- Adipocyte Circumference [CMO:0001223] — The length of a boundary line fully enclosing an adipocyte or of a line which follows the periphery of an adipocyte, a connective tissue cell specialized for the synthesis and storage of fat.
- Adipocyte Count [CMO:0000476] — The number of fat cells in a specified sample of adipose tissue. A fat cell is a connective tissue cell specialized for the synthesis and storage of fat; such cells consist of a large cytoplasmic vesicle filled with globules of triglycerides with the nucleus displaced to one side and the cytoplasm seen as a thin line around the fat vesicle.
- Adipocyte Diameter [CMO:0001222] — The average length of a straight line passing through the center of an adipocyte and connecting opposite points on its circumference. An adipocyte is a connective tissue cell specialized for the synthesis and storage of fat.
- Adipocyte Free Fatty Acid Secretion Measurement [CMO:0000875] — Measurement of the amount of free fatty acids, i.e. those not bound to other molecules or moieties, secreted from a fat cell. Free fatty acid secretion can be used as a measure of lipolysis in adipocytes.
- Adipocyte Glucose Uptake Measurement [CMO:0000869] — Measurement of the amount of glucose transported into a sample of fat cells. Glucose is the monosaccharide sugar which is the principal circulating sugar in the blood and the major energy source of the body. Fat cells are connective tissue cells specialized for the synthesis and storage of fat; such cells consist of a large cytoplasmic vesicle filled with globules of triglycerides with the nucleus displaced to one side and the cytoplasm seen as a thin line around the fat vesicle.
- Adipocyte Maximal Free Fatty Acid Secretion [CMO:0000877] — Measurement of the maximum, that is, the maximally stimulated, amount of free or non-esterified fatty acid that can be released/secreted from a fat cell.
- Adipocyte Maximal Free Fatty Acid Secretion to Basal Free Fatty Acid Secretion Ratio [CMO:0000880] — The relationship between the maximum and minimum amounts of free or non-esterified fatty acid released/secreted from a fat cell, usually expressed as a decimal fraction.
- Adipocyte Maximal Glucose Uptake [CMO:0000870] — Measurement of the maximum, that is, the maximally stimulated, amount of glucose that can be transported into a fat cell. Glucose is the monosaccharide sugar which is the principal circulating sugar in the blood and the major energy source of the body. Fat cells are connective tissue cells specialized for the synthesis and storage of fat; such cells consist of a large cytoplasmic vesicle filled with globules of triglycerides with the nucleus displaced to one side and the cytoplasm seen as a thin line around the fat vesicle.
- Adipocyte Maximal Glucose Uptake to Basal Glucose Uptake Ratio [CMO:0000874] — The relationship between the maximum and minimum amounts of glucose which are transported into a fat cell, usually expressed as a decimal fraction.
- Adipocyte Maximal Radioactive Glucose Uptake [CMO:0001444] — Measurement of the maximum, that is, the maximally stimulated, amount of radioactively-labeled glucose--the monosaccharide sugar which is the principal circulating sugar in the blood and the major energy source of the body, to which one or more atoms that give off radiation as the result of the disintegration of their nuclei have been covalently attached--that can be transported into a fat cell.
- Adipocyte Measurement [CMO:0000456] — A measure of a single or group of fat cells, connective tissue cells specialized for the synthesis and storage of fat; such cells consist of a large cytoplasmic vesicle filled with globules of triglycerides with the nucleus displaced to one side and the cytoplasm seen as a thin line around the fat vesicle.
- Adipocyte Morphological Measurement [CMO:0001220] — Measurement of the physical form or structure of a single or group of fat cells, connective tissue cells specialized for the synthesis and storage of fat; such cells consist of a large cytoplasmic vesicle filled with globules of triglycerides with the nucleus displaced to one side and the cytoplasm seen as a thin line around the fat vesicle.
- Adipocyte Volume [CMO:0000868] — The volume of a single isolated fat cell, a connective tissue cell specialized for the synthesis and storage of fat; such cells consist of a large cytoplasmic vesicle filled with globules of triglycerides with the nucleus displaced to one side and the cytoplasm seen as a thin line around the fat vesicle.
- Adipose Tissue Adiponectin Level [CMO:0000486] — The amount of adiponectin, a hormone that modulates glucose regulation and fatty acid catabolism, in a specified sample of adipose tissue.
- Adipose Tissue Molecular Composition Measurement [CMO:0000484] —
- Adipose Tissue Ribonucleic Acid Level [CMO:0003276] — This is any measurement of the absolute or relative amount(s) of one or more of the ribonucleic acids (RNAs) found in adipose tissue, the portion of connective tissue composed of adipocytes enmeshed in areolar tissue.
- Adrenal Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Density [CMO:0003212] — A measurement of the amount of angiotensin II type 1 receptor, the angiotensin receptor exhibiting vasopressor effects, regulation of aldosterone secretion and blood pressure and volume control, in a specified sample of adrenal tissue expressed relative to the weight of total protein in that sample.
- Adrenal Gland Dry Weight [CMO:0000168] — Weight of one or both adrenal glands after desiccation of the excised organ(s).
- Adrenal Gland Molecular Composition Measurement [CMO:0002987] —
- Adrenal Gland Morphological Measurement [CMO:0000142] — Measurement of the physical form or structure of one or both of the adrenal glands, the complex endocrine glands located just above the kidneys which release hormones in response to stress through the synthesis of corticosteroids such as cortisol and catecholamines such as adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline, as well as producing androgens in the innermost cortical layer.
- Adrenal Gland Renin Level [CMO:0002989] —
- Adrenal Gland Ribonucleic Acid Composition Measurement [CMO:0002794] — Any measurement of the absolute or relative amount(s) of one or more of the ribonucleic acids (RNA) of which the tissue of the adrenal gland is formed or composed.
- Adrenal Gland Weight [CMO:0000143] — The weight of one or both of the adrenal glands, that is, their heaviness or the degree to which they are drawn toward the earth by gravity.
- Adrenal Gland Wet Weight [CMO:0000167] — Weight of one or both adrenal glands after removal from the body but without desiccation.
- Adrenal Protein/peptide Composition Measurement [CMO:0002988] —
- Adult Parasite Count [CMO:0002542] — The enumeration, i.e. measurement of the total number, of individual, fully-developed parasitic organisms in a specified sample of an infected tissue or bodily fluid, or in the entire body of the host. A parasite is an organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host and possibly causing damage to that host.
- Afferent Arteriolar Plasma Flow Rate [CMO:0002968] — Volume of blood plasma delivered to a single glomerulus per unit time
- Afferent Arteriolar Plasma Protein Concentration [CMO:0002975] —
- Afferent Arteriolar Resistance [CMO:0002973] —
- Afferent Colloid Osmotic Pressure [CMO:0002977] — A form of osmotic pressure exerted by proteins, notably albumin, in the afferent arteriole's plasma that tends to pull water into the circulatory system. It is the opposing force to hydrostatic pressure. It has a major effect on the pressure across the glomerular filter.
- Age at Onset/diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus [CMO:0001112] — A measurement of the chronological age, that is, the length of time since birth, of the individual when the symptoms of diabetes mellitus first appeared, or when an official diagnosis of diabetes mellitus was first determined. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic syndrome of impaired carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism owing to insufficient secretion of insulin or to target tissue insulin resistance and resulting in hyperglycemia due to decreased glucose tolerance.
- Age at Onset/diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus [CMO:0001140] — A measurement of the chronological age, that is, the length of time since birth, of the individual when the symptoms of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) first appeared, or when an official diagnosis of T1DM was first determined. T1DM is a form of diabetes mellitus which results from the autoimmune destruction of beta cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans.
- Age at Onset/diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus [CMO:0001141] — A measurement of the chronological age, that is, the length of time since birth, of the individual when the symptoms of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) first appeared, or when an official diagnosis of T2DM was first determined. T2DM is a form of diabetes often, although not universally, associated with obesity, insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia(s) and cardiovascular symptoms such as hypertension.
- Age at Time of Death [CMO:0001193] — Measurement of the amount of time between the beginning of life of an organism and the permanent and irreversible cessation of the vital functions of that organism.
- Age at Time of Death of Ileocecal Immunocytoma-free Subjects [CMO:0003633] — Measurement of the amount of time between the beginning of life of an ileocecal immunocytoma-free organism and the permanent and irreversible cessation of the vital functions of that organism.
- Age of Onset of Experimental Autoimmune Neuritis [CMO:0001525] — A measurement of the chronological age, that is, the length of time since birth, of the individual when the symptoms of experimental autoimmune neuritis (EAN), inflammation of peripheral nerves caused by an anti-self immune reaction experimentally or artificially triggered by introduction of peripheral nerve tissue or protein components in adjuvant, first appeared.
- Age of Onset/diagnosis of Cataract [CMO:0001584] — A measurement of the chronological age, that is, the length of time since birth, of the individual when the symptoms of cataract first appeared, or when an official diagnosis of cataract was first determined. A cataract is an opacity of the crystalline lens of the eye or its capsule.
- Age of Puberty [CMO:0000392] —
- Airway Reactivity Measurement [CMO:0000712] —
- Alimentary/gastrointestinal Disease Incidence/prevalence Measurement [CMO:0002363] — Any measurement in which the number of individuals in a study population that display any disease, lesion or abnormality of any of the organs of the digestive tract at a point in time or develop such a disease, lesion or abnormality within a determined period of time are compared to the total number of individuals in the study population. Often expressed as a percentage but could be expressed as a ratio.
- Alimentary/gastrointestinal Measurement [CMO:0000995] — Any measurement to assess the morphological or physiological state of the alimentary/gastrointestinal tract, that is, the system of organs within multicellular animals that takes in food, digests it to extract energy and nutrients, and expels the remaining waste. The major functions of the alimentary/GI/digestive tract are ingestion, digestion, absorption, and defecation.
- Amount of Experiment Time Spent in A Discrete Space in An Elevated Plus Maze [CMO:0004011] — The total amount of time during an experiment that an organism or experimental subject spends in a distinct and specified area of an elevated plus maze (EPM). An EPM is an apparatus with an open center area, two open arms without enclosing walls and two enclosed arms with walls to prevent the experimental subject from escaping or from seeing anything outside the maze. The apparatus is raised a specified distance above the floor and is used to measure movement, behavior, learning, memory, etc., generally in rodents.
- Amount of Experiment Time Spent in A Discrete Space in An Experimental Apparatus [CMO:0000958] — The total amount of time in an experiment that an organism or experimental subject spends in a distinct and specified area of an experimental apparatus.
- Amount of Time Spent Exploring A Familiar Object in An Experimental Apparatus [CMO:0003808] — The total amount of time in an experiment that a subject spends in a piece of technical equipment or machinery, an appliance, or a device designed for a particular purpose, exploring a familiar object.
- Amount of Time Spent Exploring A Novel Object in An Experimental Apparatus [CMO:0003807] — The total amount of time in an experiment that a subject spends in a piece of technical equipment or machinery, an appliance, or a device designed for a particular purpose, exploring a novel object.
- Amount of Time Spent in Voluntary Immobility [CMO:0001043] — Measurement of the total amount of experiment time that an organism or experimental subject spends frozen, that is, not moving from one place or position to another, when such behavior originated with or was undertaken, controlled, or accomplished as a result of that organism's free will or choice.
- Amount of Time Spent Making Head Dipping Movements in An Experimental Apparatus [CMO:0003796] — The total amount of time in an experiment that a subject spends in a distinct and specified area of a piece of technical equipment or machinery, an appliance, or a device designed for a particular purpose, making intentional downward movements of its head.
- Amount of Time Spent Making Rearing Movements in An Experimental Apparatus [CMO:0003790] — The total amount of time in an experiment that a quadrupedal subject spends in a distinct and specified area of a piece of technical equipment or machinery, an appliance, or a device designed for a particular purpose, rising up on its back legs.
- Amount of Time Spent Making Stretched-attend Posture Movements in An Experimental Apparatus [CMO:0003804] — The total amount of time in an experiment that a quadrupedal subject spends in a piece of technical equipment or machinery, an appliance, or a device designed for a particular purpose, making stretched-attend posture movements, in which the hind legs remain stationary while the body is stretched forward with head raised.
- Amplitude of the Acoustic Startle Response [CMO:0001520] — Measurement of the magnitude of the involuntary psychophysiological motor response of an organism to a sudden, unexpected and usually loud noise.
- Amygdala Ribonucleic Acid Composition Measurement [CMO:0003315] —
- ANCOVA-adjusted Average Metabolic Rate [CMO:0003958] — This is a calculated value which is a measure of the rate of energy expenditure per unit time by endothermic animals at a specific moment or across a specified span of time, under specific conditions. It involves analysis of covariance which examines the influence of an independent variable on a dependent variable while removing the effect of the covariate factor.
- ANCOVA-adjusted Resting Metabolic Rate [CMO:0003959] — This is a calculated value which is a measure of the rate of energy expenditure per unit time by endothermic animals at rest. It represents the minimum amount of energy required to sustain life during a time period of steady resting conditions, with less rigorous criteria than for basal metabolic rate. It involves analysis of covariance which examines the influence of an independent variable on a dependent variable while removing the effect of the covariate factor.
- Angiotensin II Response/sensitivity Measurement [CMO:0001659] — Measurement of an organism's, organ's, tissue's or cell's capacity to respond, such as by a change in activity, state or condition, to angiotensin II (AngII), the octapeptide, Asp-Arg-Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro-Phe, that is derived from angiotensinogen and acts as a powerful vasopressor and stimulator of aldosterone secretion.
- Anion Gap [CMO:0000067] — This is a measurement of the difference-or gap-between the negatively charged and positively charged electrolytes in blood. If the anion gap is either too high or too low, it may be a sign of a disorder in the lungs, kidneys, or other organ systems.
- Ankle Joint Diameter [CMO:0002148] — The distance between two specified opposite points on the periphery of the joint between the leg and foot in which the tibia and fibula articulate with the talus.
- Ankylosis in Experimental Arthritis Incidence/prevalence Measurement [CMO:0001490] — Any measurement in which the number of individuals in a study population with pre-existing experimental arthritis that display ankylosis, the immobility and consolidation of a joint, at a point in time or develop ankylosis within a determined period of time are compared to the total number of individuals in that arthritic study population. Often expressed as a percentage but could be expressed as a ratio.
- Anogenital Distance [CMO:0002385] — The length of a straight line from the anus to the genitalia, that is, to the base of the genital tubercle in the fetus, to the genital bud in neonatal animals, or to the base of the penis or vagina in older individuals.
- Anogenital Distance to Cube Root of Body Weight Ratio [CMO:0002756] — A calculated value in which anogenital distance (the length of a line between the anal opening and the genitalia) is divided by the cube root of the weight of the body and the result presented as a ratio, fraction, quotient or percentage.
- Anorectal Malformation Incidence/prevalence Measurement [CMO:0002753] — Any measurement in which the number of individuals in a study population that display anorectal malformation at a point in time or develop anorectal malformation within a determined period of time are compared to the total number of individuals in the study population. Often expressed as a percentage but could be expressed as a ratio. Anorectal malformations (ARMs) represent a spectrum of congenital anomalies characterized by the obstruction of the anal opening.
- Anterior Cerebral Artery Inner Diameter [CMO:0001127] — The length of a line which crosses a transverse view of an anterior cerebral artery, passing through its center and ending on either side at the inner surface of the blood vessel wall. The anterior cerebral artery (ACA) is one of a pair of arteries that supply oxygenated blood to the most medial portions of the frontal lobes and superior medial parietal lobes of the brain.
- Antibody Measurement [CMO:0001861] — Any quantification related to an immunoglobulin molecule possessing a specific amino acid sequence that binds to a specific antigen, a substance introduced into an organism which initiates an immune response including the production of the very antibodies which bind to it in an effort to destroy it.
- Antibody Titer [CMO:0001862] — Measurement of the amount of a specific antibody determined as the maximal dilution of the antibody solution at which that antibody can still be detected. The value represents the denominator of the dilution ratio, i.e., a titer of 32 means that the sample can be maximally diluted 1/32 and still contain enough antibody to be detected. An antibody is an immunoglobulin molecule possessing a specific amino acid sequence that binds to a specific antigen, a substance introduced into an organism which initiates an immune response including the production of the very antibodies which bind to it in an effort to destroy it.
- Aorta Length [CMO:0002720] — The distance between the two ends, that is, of the extent of the longest dimension, of the aorta, the main trunk from which the arterial system proceeds.
- Aorta Measurement [CMO:0001474] — Any measurement of the great artery arising from the left ventricle from which the systemic arterial system proceeds.
- Aorta Morphological Measurement [CMO:0001475] — Any quantification of the physical form or structure of the great artery arising from the left ventricle from which the systemic arterial system proceeds.
- Aorta Ribonucleic Acid Level [CMO:0003982] — This is any measurement of the absolute or relative amount(s) of one or more of the ribonucleic acids (RNAs) found in great artery arising from the left ventricle from which the systemic arterial system proceeds.
- Aorta Smooth Muscle Cell Count [CMO:0001642] — Measurement of the total number of cells, membrane-enclosed protoplasmic masses constituting the smallest structural unit of an organism that is capable of independent functioning, in a specified sample of the aorta smooth muscle, the contractile soft tissue having fine myofibrils but lacking transverse striations composing the majority of the wall of the great artery arising from the left ventricle from which the systemic arterial system proceeds.
- Aorta Smooth Muscle Cell Count Per Unit Vessel Length [CMO:0001646] — A calculated value in which the total number of cells, membrane-enclosed protoplasmic masses constituting the smallest structural unit of an organism that is capable of independent functioning, in a specified sample of the aorta smooth muscle, the contractile soft tissue having fine myofibrils but lacking transverse striations composing the majority of the wall of the great artery arising from the left ventricle from which the systemic arterial system proceeds, is divided by the length of the smooth muscle section in which that number is determined.
- Aorta Wall Extracellular Collagen Level [CMO:0002000] — The amount of collagen in a specified sample of aorta wall tissue. Collagen refers to any of a family of extracellular, closely related proteins occurring as a major component of connective tissue, giving it strength and flexibility.
- Aorta Wall Extracellular Elastin Dry Weight to Aorta Length Ratio [CMO:0002565] — A calculated measurement in which the weight after dessication of the extracellular elastin in a specified sample of the wall of the aorta is divided by the length (that is, the distance between the two ends) of that segment, and the result presented as a ratio, fraction, quotient or percentage.
- Aorta Wall Extracellular Elastin Dry Weight to Aorta Wall Dry Weight Ratio [CMO:0002002] — A calculated measurement in which the weight after dessication of the extracellular elastin in a specified sample of aorta wall is divided by the total weight after dessication of that sample of aorta wall, and the result presented as a ratio, fraction, quotient or percentage.
- Aorta Wall Extracellular Elastin Dry Weight to Aorta Wall Extracellular Collagen Weight Ratio [CMO:0002003] — A calculated measurement in which the weight after dessication of the extracellular elastin in a specified sample of aorta wall is divided by the weight of extracellular collagen in that sample of aorta wall, and the result presented as a ratio, fraction, quotient or percentage.
- Aorta Wall Extracellular Elastin Level [CMO:0001999] — The amount of elastin in a specified sample of aorta wall tissue. Elastin is an elastic, fibrous mucoprotein, similar to collagen, and the major connective tissue protein of elastic fibers, such as those in arterial walls.
- Aorta Wall Intracellular Protein Level [CMO:0002004] — The total amount of protein extracted from within the cells of the aortic wall in a specified sample of aorta. Protein is any of a group of complex organic compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur consisting of alpha-amino acids joined by peptide linkages.
- Aorta Wall Molecular Composition Measurement [CMO:0001998] — Any quantitation of the molecules, atoms and/or ions which constitute the chemical make-up of the wall of the aorta, the layered tissue which encloses and constitutes the structural component of the great artery arising from the left ventricle from which the systemic arterial system proceeds. A molecule is an aggregation of atoms, specifically a chemical combination of two or more atoms forming a specific chemical substance.
- Aorta Wall Morphological Measurement [CMO:0001641] — Any quantification of the physical form or structure of the layered tissue which encloses and constitutes the structural component of the great artery arising from the left ventricle from which the systemic arterial system proceeds.
- Aorta Wall Phosphorylated ENOS Level to Total ENOS Level Ratio [CMO:0002853] —
- Aorta Wall Protein/peptide Composition Measurement [CMO:0002579] — Any measurement involving the composition, that is, the absolute amount, relative amount or type of one or more proteins or peptides in a specified sample of tissue from the wall of the aorta.
- Aorta Wall Thickness [CMO:0000237] — The depth of the wall of the aorta, the main trunk from which the arterial system proceeds.
- Aorta Weight [CMO:0000076] — The weight of the aorta, the main trunk from which the arterial system proceeds. Weight is the heaviness or degree to which a body is drawn to the earth by gravity.
- Aorta Weight to Aorta Length to Body Weight Ratio [CMO:0002722] — A calculated measurement in which the weight of the aorta is divided by its length and the resulting quantity is divided by the total body weight of the organism.
- Aorta Weight to Body Weight Ratio [CMO:0003216] —
- Aortic Blood Flow Measurement [CMO:0001479] — Any measurement of the movement of blood through the aorta, the great artery arising from the left ventricle from which the systemic arterial system proceeds.
- Aortic Blood Flow Rate [CMO:0001480] — The volume of blood flowing through the aorta, the great artery arising from the left ventricle from which the systemic arterial system proceeds, per unit of time.
- Aortic Blood Flow Velocity [CMO:0001478] — The speed at which the blood flows through the aorta, the great artery arising from the left ventricle from which the systemic arterial system proceeds, expressed as distance per unit of time.
- Aortic Rupture Severity Measurement [CMO:0002560] — Measurement of the degree to which a tear or break in the continuity or configuration of the aorta (the great artery arising from the left ventricle and from which the systemic arterial system proceeds) causes pain or damage, or interferes with the normal functioning of an organism or of any part thereof.
- Apoptotic Cell Measurement [CMO:0001096] —
- Apoptotic Hypodiploid Thymocyte Count to Total Thymocyte Count Ratio [CMO:0003521] — A calculated measurement in which the number of hypodiploid thymocytes displaying apoptotic features in a specified sample of thymus is divided by the total number of thymocytes in the sample, and the result presented as a ratio, fraction, quotient or percentage. Hypodiploid is the condition of having slightly fewer than the diploid number of chromosomes and apoptosis is a programmed cell death process which proceeds through a series of specific biochemical events.
- Appendix Ribonucleic Acid Composition Measurement [CMO:0003256] —
- Aqueous Humor Uptake Index of Digoxin [CMO:0003182] — This is a calculated measurement in which the amount of digoxin in aqueous humor 15 seconds after an injection of digoxin into the carotid artery is divided by the injected amount of digoxin and presented as a percentage.
- Aqueous Humor Uptake Index of Quinidine [CMO:0003185] — This is a calculated measurement in which the amount of quinidine in aqueous humor 15 seconds after an injection of quinidine into the carotid artery is divided by the injected amount of quinidine and presented as a percentage.
- Aqueous Humor Uptake Index of Verapamil [CMO:0003179] — This is a calculated measurement in which the amount of verapamil in aqueous humor 15 seconds after an injection of verapamil into the carotid artery is divided by the injected amount of verapamil and presented as a percentage.
- Area of Atherosclerotic Lesion to Total Artery Area Ratio [CMO:0003905] — This is calculated value in which the extent of the two-dimensional surface occupied by atherosclerotic lesion(s) is divided by the total extent of the two-dimensional surface of the artery and presented as a ratio, fraction, quotient or percentage, thus normalizing it to the size of the artery.
- Area of Individual Liver Fibrotic Lesion [CMO:0001091] — A measurement of the extent of a two-dimensional surface of or plane through an individual fibrotic lesion in the liver. A fibrotic lesion is a localized pathological change in structure of an organ or tissue due to injury or disease, especially one that is circumscribed and well defined, resulting from a process of fibrosis, the proliferation of fibroblasts and fibrous tissue, usually in response to an injury, inflammation or infection.
- Area of Individual Liver Tumorous Lesion [CMO:0001071] — A measurement of the extent of a two-dimensional surface of, or of a plane through an individual tumorous lesion in the liver. A tumorous lesion is one which is or has the potential to become a tumor, that is, a neoplasm or new growth of tissue in which cell multiplication is more or less uncontrolled and progressive. Tumorous lesions include tumors and preneoplastic lesions, as well as hyperplastic lesions composed of histologically normal cells.
- Area of Individual Prostate Tumorous Lesion [CMO:0000888] — A measurement of the extent of a two-dimensional surface of or plane through an individual tumorous lesion in the prostate. A tumorous lesion is one which is or has the potential to become a tumor, that is, a neoplasm or new growth of tissue in which cell multiplication is more or less uncontrolled and progressive. Tumorous lesions include tumors and preneoplastic lesions, as well as hyperplastic lesions composed of histologically normal cells.
- Area of Individual Ventral Prostate Tumorous Lesion [CMO:0000896] — A measurement of the extent of a two-dimensional surface of or plane through an individual tumorous lesion in the ventral prostate. A tumorous lesion is one which is or has the potential to become a tumor, that is, a neoplasm or new growth of tissue in which cell multiplication is more or less uncontrolled and progressive. Tumorous lesions include tumors and preneoplastic lesions, as well as hyperplastic lesions composed of histologically normal cells.
- Area of Individual Ventral Prostate Tumorous Lesion With A Solid Structure [CMO:0003689] — A measurement of the extent of a two-dimensional surface of or plane through an individual tumorous lesion with a solid structure in the ventral prostate. A tumorous lesion is one which is or has the potential to become a tumor, that is, a neoplasm or new growth of tissue in which cell multiplication is more or less uncontrolled and progressive. Tumorous lesions include tumors and preneoplastic lesions, as well as hyperplastic lesions composed of histologically normal cells.
- Area of Individual Ventral Prostate Tumorous Lesion With Round, Irregular Size Nuclei [CMO:0003690] — A measurement of the extent of a two-dimensional surface of or plane through an individual tumorous lesion with round, irregular size nuclei in the ventral prostate. A tumorous lesion is one which is or has the potential to become a tumor, that is, a neoplasm or new growth of tissue in which cell multiplication is more or less uncontrolled and progressive. Tumorous lesions include tumors and preneoplastic lesions, as well as hyperplastic lesions composed of histologically normal cells.
- Area of Liver Occupied By Fibrotic Lesions [CMO:0001092] — A measurement of the total extent of the two-dimensional surface of the liver occupied by fibrotic lesions, or a measurement of the total extent of a two-dimensional cross-section through the liver occupied by fibrotic lesions. A fibrotic lesion is a localized pathological change in structure of an organ or tissue due to injury or disease, especially one that is circumscribed and well defined, resulting from a process of fibrosis, the proliferation of fibroblasts and fibrous tissue, usually in response to an injury, inflammation or infection.
- Area of Liver Occupied By Fibrotic Lesions to Total Liver Area Ratio [CMO:0001094] — A calculated measurement in which the area of the liver occupied by fibrotic lesions is divided by the total area of the liver, and the result presented as a ratio, fraction, quotient or percentage. A fibrotic lesion is a localized pathological change in structure of an organ or tissue due to injury or disease, especially one that is circumscribed and well defined, resulting from a process of fibrosis, the proliferation of fibroblasts and fibrous tissue, usually in response to an injury, inflammation or infection.
- Area of Liver Occupied By Hepatocellular Carcinomas [CMO:0002309] — A measurement of the total extent of the two-dimensional surface of the liver occupied by hepatocellular carcinomas, or a measurement of the total extent of a two-dimensional cross-section through the liver occupied by hepatocellular carcinomas. Hepatocellular carcinomas are liver tumorous lesions with a size greater than several liver lobules and irregular in shape.
- Area of Liver Occupied By Tumorous Foci [CMO:0002308] — A measurement of the total extent of the two-dimensional surface of the liver occupied by tumorous foci, or a measurement of the total extent of a two-dimensional cross-section through the liver occupied by tumorous foci. Liver tumorous foci are tumorous lesions of the liver with a size equal to or less than one liver lobule.
- Area of Liver Occupied By Tumorous Lesions [CMO:0001072] — A measurement of the total extent of the two-dimensional surface of the liver occupied by tumorous lesions, or a measurement of the total extent of a two-dimensional cross-section through the liver occupied by tumorous lesions. A tumorous lesion is one which is or has the potential to become a tumor, that is, a neoplasm or new growth of tissue in which cell multiplication is more or less uncontrolled and progressive. Tumorous lesions include tumors and preneoplastic lesions, as well as hyperplastic lesions composed of histologically normal cells.
- Area of Liver Occupied By Tumorous Nodules [CMO:0002310] — A measurement of the total extent of the two-dimensional surface of the liver occupied by tumorous nodules, or a measurement of the total extent of a two-dimensional cross-section through the liver occupied by tumorous nodules. Liver tumorous nodules are tumorous lesions of the liver with a size greater than one liver lobule, typically several lobules in size.
- Area of Necrosis in Liver Tumorous Lesion [CMO:0003516] — A measurement of the extent of necrosis in a two-dimensional surface of, or in a plane through an individual tumorous lesion in the liver.
- Area of Prostate Occupied By Tumorous Lesions [CMO:0000887] — A measurement of the total extent of the two-dimensional surface of the prostate occupied by tumorous lesions, or a measurement of the total extent of a two-dimensional cross-section through the prostate occupied by tumorous lesions. A tumorous lesion is one which is or has the potential to become a tumor, that is, a neoplasm or new growth of tissue in which cell multiplication is more or less uncontrolled and progressive. Tumorous lesions include tumors and preneoplastic lesions, as well as hyperplastic lesions composed of histologically normal cells.
- Area of Prostate Occupied By Tumorous Lesions to Total Prostate Area Ratio [CMO:0000890] — A calculated measurement in which the area of the prostate gland occupied by tumorous lesions is divided by the total area of the prostate gland, and the result presented as a ratio, fraction, quotient or percentage. A tumorous lesion is one which is or has the potential to become a tumor, that is, a neoplasm or new growth of tissue in which cell multiplication is more or less uncontrolled and progressive. Tumorous lesions include tumors and preneoplastic lesions, as well as hyperplastic lesions composed of histologically normal cells.
- Area of Ventral Prostate Occupied By Tumorous Lesions [CMO:0000897] — A measurement of the total extent of the two-dimensional surface of the ventral prostate occupied by tumorous lesions, or a measurement of the total extent of a two-dimensional cross-section through the ventral prostate occupied by tumorous lesions. A tumorous lesion is one which is or has the potential to become a tumor, that is, a neoplasm or new growth of tissue in which cell multiplication is more or less uncontrolled and progressive. Tumorous lesions include tumors and preneoplastic lesions, as well as hyperplastic lesions composed of histologically normal cells.
- Area of Ventral Prostate Occupied By Tumorous Lesions to Total Ventral Prostate Area Ratio [CMO:0000899] — A calculated measurement in which the area of the ventral lobe of the prostate gland occupied by tumorous lesions is divided by the total area of the ventral lobe of the prostate gland, and the result presented as a ratio, fraction, quotient or percentage. A tumorous lesion is one which is or has the potential to become a tumor, that is, a neoplasm or new growth of tissue in which cell multiplication is more or less uncontrolled and progressive. Tumorous lesions include tumors, preneoplastic lesions, and hyperplastic lesions composed of histologically normal cells.
- Area of Ventral Prostate Occupied By Tumorous Lesions With Round, Irregular Size Nuclei to Total Ventral Prostate Area Ratio [CMO:0003692] — A calculated measurement in which the area of the ventral prostate gland occupied by tumorous lesions with round, irregular size nuclei is divided by the total area of the ventral prostate gland, and the result presented as a ratio, fraction, quotient or percentage. A tumorous lesion is one which is or has the potential to become a tumor, that is, a neoplasm or new growth of tissue in which cell multiplication is more or less uncontrolled and progressive. Tumorous lesions include tumors and preneoplastic lesions, as well as hyperplastic lesions composed of histologically normal cells.
- Area of Ventral Prostate Occupied By Tumorous Lesions With Solid Structure to Total Ventral Prostate Area Ratio [CMO:0003691] — A calculated measurement in which the area of the ventral prostate gland occupied by tumorous lesions with solid structure is divided by the total area of the ventral prostate gland, and the result presented as a ratio, fraction, quotient or percentage. A tumorous lesion is one which is or has the potential to become a tumor, that is, a neoplasm or new growth of tissue in which cell multiplication is more or less uncontrolled and progressive. Tumorous lesions include tumors and preneoplastic lesions, as well as hyperplastic lesions composed of histologically normal cells.
- Area Under the Anorectal Pressure Curve [CMO:0003769] — This measurement involves calculation of the the area under the plotted curve for pressure generated by anorectal contractions.
- Areola Mammae/nipple Number [CMO:0002386] — The count of mammary areolae (pigmented area normally surrounding the nipple) and/or nipples (mammary papilla, that is, the projection on the anterior surface of the mammary organ which in females gives outlet to the lactiferous ducts) located on the thorax and/or abdomen of mammals.
- Arm Span [CMO:0000315] — Distance between the tips of the longest fingers with the arms maximally outstretched laterally.
- Arterial Blood Flow Rate [CMO:0000198] — The volume of blood flowing through an artery per unit time.
- Arterial Blood Flow Velocity [CMO:0001477] — The speed at which the blood flows through an artery, expressed as distance per unit of time.
- Arterial Blood Gas Measurement [CMO:0000225] — Any measurement of a gas or gases dissolved in arterial blood, that is, blood which has absorbed oxygen in the lungs, including oxygen, nitrogen carbon dioxide and/or hydrogen.
- Arterial Disease Severity Measurement [CMO:0002559] — Any measurement of the degree to which the presentation of an arterial disease state, causes pain or damage, or interferes with the normal functioning of an organism or of any part thereof. Arterial disease is a deviation from or interruption of the normal structure or function of one or more arteries, the vessels in which blood flows away from the heart carrying oxygenated blood, that is manifested by a characteristic set of symptoms and signs.
- Arterial Elastance [CMO:0002885] — Effective arterial elastance (Ea), defined as the ratio of left ventricular end-systolic pressure (Pes) to stroke volume (SV), provides a convenient, useful method to assess arterial load.
- Arterial Internal Elastic Lamina Rupture Composite Score [CMO:0002564] — A measurement of the severity of tears or breaks in the arterial internal elastic lamina (IEL) which is derived from a combination of multiple measurements and/or objective or subjective severity scores according to a specified formula or set of criteria. The IEL is the fenestrated layer of elastic tissue that is the outermost part of the intima of an artery.
- Arteriolar Resistance [CMO:0002971] — Resistance that must be overcome to push blood through arterioles to create flow.
- Arteriole Diameter [CMO:0003724] — The length of a line which crosses a transverse view of an arteriole, passing through its center and ending on either side at the outer surface of the arteriole wall. An arteriole is the smallest division of the artery located between the muscular arteries and capillaries.
- Arteriole Measurement [CMO:0002970] —
- Artery Diameter [CMO:0000968] —
- Artery Inner Diameter [CMO:0000971] — The length of a line which crosses a transverse view of an artery, passing through its center and ending on either side at the inner surface of the blood vessel wall.
- Artery Internal Elastic Lamina Non-tumorous Lesion Count [CMO:0001913] — The enumeration, i.e. measurement of the total number, of defects or lesions of the internal elastic lamina which are not hyperplastic or neoplastic in origin in a specified sample of artery. A lesion is a localized pathological change in structure of an organ or tissue due to injury or disease; especially one that is circumscribed and well defined. The internal elastic lamina (IEL) is a fenestrated (perforated) layer of elastic tissue, i.e., one having the property of returning to the original shape after being distorted, that is the outermost part of the intima (innermost layer) of an artery. The IEL is the elastic layer that is situated between the tunica intima (inner layers) and tunica media (middle layers) of artery walls. An artery is any one of the branching system of muscular, elastic blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart.
- Artery Lesion Measurement [CMO:0000975] — Measurement of any localized pathological change in structure of an artery, one of the large blood vessels carrying blood in a direction away from the heart to the tissues, due to injury or disease; especially one that is circumscribed and well defined.
- Artery Lumen Area [CMO:0001409] — A measurement of the two-dimensional extent of the enclosed cavity or channel in a cross-section of an artery, one of the large blood vessels carrying blood in a direction away from the heart to the tissues. For an artery with a neointimal lesion, the cross-sectional area of the lesion would be subtracted from the circular vessel area to obtain the artery lumen area.
- Artery Lumen Measurement [CMO:0001408] — Any measurement of the cavity or channel within an artery, one of the large blood vessels carrying blood in a direction away from the heart to the tissues.
- Artery Lumen to Artery Total Diameter Ratio [CMO:0003014] —
- Artery Measurement [CMO:0000974] — Any measurement of one of the large blood vessels carrying blood in a direction away from the heart to the tissues.
- Artery Neointimal Hyperplastic Lesion Area [CMO:0001414] — A measurement of the extent of a two-dimensional surface of or plane through a single hyperplastic lesion of the tunica intima, that is, the inner coat of the arterial wall, or a measurement of the total area occupied by hyperplastic lesions of the tunica intima in a cross-section of an artery, one of the large blood vessels carrying blood in a direction away from the heart to the tissues. A hyperplastic lesion is a localized pathological increase in the number of cells of an organ or tissue resulting from an increased rate of cellular division due to injury or disease; especially one that is circumscribed and well defined.
- Artery Neointimal Hyperplastic Lesion Area Including Tunica Media [CMO:0003645] — The average measurements of planes through hyperplastic lesions of the tunica intima and tunica media, that is, a cross-section of the arterial wall from endothelium through the external elastic lamina. A hyperplastic lesion is a localized pathological increase in the number of cells of an organ or tissue resulting from an increased rate of cellular division due to injury or disease.
- Artery Neointimal Hyperplastic Lesion Area to Total Wall Area Ratio [CMO:0001416] — A calculated measurement in which the area of the arterial tunica intima occupied by one or more hyperplastic lesions is divided by the total cross-sectional area of the artery wall and presented as a ratio, fraction, quotient or percentage.
- Artery Outer Diameter [CMO:0000972] — The length of a line which crosses a transverse view of an artery, passing through its center and ending on either side at the outer surface of the blood vessel wall.
- Artery Ribonucleic Acid Level [CMO:0003316] —
- Artery Tunica Media Area [CMO:0001412] — A direct measurement of two dimensional extent of the tunica media, the middle coat of the arterial wall, in a cross-section of an artery, one of the large blood vessels carrying blood in a direction away from the heart to the tissues. The total area of the tunica media gives an indication of the thickness of the arterial wall.
- Artery Tunica Media Measurement [CMO:0001411] — Any measurement of the tunica media, or middle coat, of the wall of an artery, one of the large blood vessels carrying blood in a direction away from the heart to the tissues.
- Artery Tunica Media Thickness [CMO:0001413] — A calculated measurement of the average width of the tunica media, the middle layer of the arterial wall. Can be calculated using the media area and the length of the internal elastic lamina.
- Artery Tunica Media to Artery Total Diameter Ratio [CMO:0003013] —
- Artery Tunica Media Width to Artery Inner Diameter Ratio [CMO:0002790] — A calculated measurement in which the average width of the tunica media is divided by the inner diameter (that is, the diameter of the lumen) of the artery and the result is presented as a ratio, fraction, quotient or percentage.
- Artery Wall Measurement [CMO:0001410] — Any measurement of the fibrous and muscular structure of one of the large blood vessels carrying blood in a direction away from the heart to the tissues. The wall of an artery is composed of three layers: the tunica intima, the inner coat; the tunica media, the middle coat; and the tunica adventitia, the outer coat.
- Artery Wall Thickness [CMO:0000966] — A measurement of the depth of the wall of an artery, one of the large blood vessels carrying blood in a direction away from the heart to the tissues.
- Artery Wall Thickness to Artery Inner Diameter Ratio [CMO:0000979] — Ratio of the wall thickness (WT) of an artery to inner diameter (ID) of that artery at that location, usually expressed as a percentage, i.e. WT/ID x 100, but could also be expressed as a ratio, fraction or quotient. This measurement can be used to assess stenosis, a pathological narrowing of a blood vessel.
- Artery Wall Thickness to Artery Total Diameter Ratio [CMO:0002303] — Ratio of the wall thickness (WT) of an artery to outer diameter (OD) of that artery at that location, usually expressed as a percentage, i.e. WT/OD x 100, but could also be expressed as a ratio, fraction or quotient. This measurement can be used to assess stenosis, a pathological narrowing of a blood vessel.
- Arthritic Paw Count [CMO:0001460] — Measurement of the number of paws per animal displaying inflammation in an experimental model of arthritis, that is, in which the condition is a result of the artificial induction of joint inflammation.
- Arthritis Incidence/prevalence Measurement [CMO:0001451] — Any measurement in which the number of individuals in a study population that display arthritis at a point in time or develop arthritis within a determined period of time are compared to the total number of individuals in the study population. Often expressed as a percentage but could be expressed as a ratio. Arthritis is any disease characterized by inflammation of one or more joints, the sites of junction or union between bones, especially those that allow motion of the bones.
- Arthritis Onset/diagnosis Measurement [CMO:0001448] — Any measurement which expresses a quantity related to the beginning, early stages or development of arthritis, or to the official determination of arthritis as the cause of the observed symptom(s). Arthritis is any disease characterized by inflammation of one or more joints, the sites of junction or union between bones, especially those that allow motion of the bones.
- Arthritis Severity Measurement [CMO:0001458] — Any measurement of the degree to which the presentation of the arthritis disease state, i.e. the inflammation of one or more joints, the sites of junction or union between bones, especially those that allow motion of the bones, causes pain or damage.
- Articular Chondrocyte Ribonucleic Acid Level [CMO:0003996] — This is any measurement of the absolute or relative amount(s) of one or more of the ribonucleic acids (RNAs) found in chondrocytes isolated from articular cartilage. Articular cartilage is a thin layer of cartilage, usually hyaline cartilage, on the articular surface of bones in synovial joints.
- Auditory Brainstem Response Threshold [CMO:0002205] — Measurement of the lowest sound volume (e.g. in decibels) that produce variations in electromyographic or electroencephalographic recordings in response to sound stimuli.
- Autoantibody Level [CMO:0002614] — Measurement of the amount of an autoantibody in a specified sample. An autoantibody is an antibody that attacks the cells, tissues, native proteins, or other endogenous molecules of the organism in which it was formed.
- Autoantibody Measurement [CMO:0002106] — Any measurement of the properties of one or more autoantibodies. An antibody is an immunoglobulin molecule possessing a specific amino acid sequence that binds to a specific antigen, a substance introduced into an organism which initiates an immune response including the production of the very antibodies which bind to it in an effort to destroy it. An autoantibody is an antibody that attacks the cells, tissues, native proteins, or other endogenous molecules of the organism in which it was formed.
- Autoantibody Titer [CMO:0001863] — Measurement of the amount of a specific autoantibody determined as the maximal dilution of the autoantibody solution at which that antibody can still be detected. The value represents the denominator of the dilution ratio, i.e., a titer of 32 means that the sample can be maximally diluted 1/32 and still contain enough antibody to be detected. An antibody is an immunoglobulin molecule possessing a specific amino acid sequence that binds to a specific antigen, a substance introduced into an organism which initiates an immune response including the production of the very antibodies which bind to it in an effort to destroy it. An autoantibody is an antibody that attacks the cells, tissues, native proteins, or other endogenous molecules of the organism in which it was formed.
- Autonomic Nervous System Measurement [CMO:0001233] — Any measurement of the autonomic nervous system, the part of the nervous system that regulates involuntary action, as of the intestines, smooth muscle, heart, and glands, and that is divided into two physiologically and anatomically distinct, mutually antagonistic systems, the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. The nervous system is the organ system which, along with the endocrine system, correlates the adjustments and reactions of the organism to its internal and external environment via transmission of information, in the form of electrochemical impulses, throughout the body.
- Average Daily Body Weight Gain [CMO:0000419] — Average increase in weight per day as calculated from total weight gain over a specified period of time.
- Average Daily Food Intake Weight [CMO:0001314] — Average weight or heaviness of food (i.e. material, usually of plant or animal origin, that contains essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and/or minerals and that is ingested and assimilated by an organism to produce energy, stimulate growth, and maintain life) consumed per day.
- Average Daily Milk Yield [CMO:0001307] — The average amount of milk produced by a lactating mammal per day.
- Average Horizontal Distance Between Subject and Target During Voluntary Locomotion in An Experimental Apparatus [CMO:0002674] — The arithmetic mean of all measured horizontal distances between a test subject and a specific target such as a food reward or a submerged platform as the subject searches for the target. Horizontal distance is the length of a line between two points within a single plane parallel to the ground.
Data returned: 227 terms all with first letter "A".
Data updated: Sep 01, 2024