
Downloading Annotation Information

Only loaded annotation can be downloaded so before you follow the steps, make sure that everything you want to download is loaded. For help on loading a map visit the load a map page and for help on loading annotation visit the load annotation page.

  1. Begin by selecting an interval. If you need help with this step, refer to the make a selection page and scroll to the section about selecting an interval.
  2. Open up the download dialog box. This is done by selecting "File -> Download..." from the menu or by pressing "Ctrl + D" on the keyboard.

  3. When the download dialog box opens up, it will contain four sections: "Interval Info", "Annotation Selection", "Show/Hide Data", and "Preview".

  4. The "Interval Info" section tells you what intervals have been selected. From this section choose which intervals you want to be included in your downloaded file. To choose an individual interval simply click on it, or you can choose all of the intervals by pushing the "Select All" button in that section. The chosen intervals will be highlighted.

  5. The "Annotation Selection" section lets you choose the type(s) of annotation to be included. From this section choose which annotation type you want in the file or push the "Select All" button in that section to choose all types of annotation. The chosen types of annotation will be highlighted.

  6. The "Show/Hide Data" section is where you can choose what information you want to be saved. The "Hidden Data" column contains the information that will not be included in the file. The "Shown Data" column contains the information that will be in the file. The arrow buttons are for moving the information between the two columns.

  7. To move data from hidden to shown and vice versa, click on the data name (it will become highlighted) and push the arrow pointing toward the column where you want the data to be. The data will switch columns.
    Note: The order of the data in the "Shown Data" column will be the order in which the data appears in the file.
  8. Preview Section

    The "Preview" section will dynamically update as you are making your choices described in steps 4, 5, and 6, above. It will contain a representative view of what the file would contain given the chosen information.

  9. Now once you have made all the selections you want, press the "Open" button. This will open up the default spreadsheet editor program with the data in the cells. The file that is opened up is a temporary comma separated values (.csv) file.
    Note: The .csv file has not been saved yet. If you want to save the file, it must be done from within the spreadsheet program.
  10. See Also