Release 54
(Aug 25, 2024)
Curator: Cari Park
Curated: 2009-11-04
Updated: 2024-04-23

Publication # 18622035 Details

Authors: Le Rouzic, A; Alvarez-Castro, J M; Carlborg, O
Affiliation: Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Title: Dissection of the genetic architecture of body weight in chicken reveals the impact of epistasis on domestication traits.
Journal: Genetics, 179 (1): 1591-9 (2008) DOI: 10.1534/genetics.108.089300
Links:   PubMed  |  Abstract   |   ( Related study: none )
  • Click on each trait to browse further along the related trait ontology tree
  • Click on each chromosome number to find the detailed QTL information on that chromosome

Number of QTL/association reported by traits:

QTL/association Reported by chromosomes:

Epistatic QTL are found:

Number of gene-based eQTL/associations:

  • None


Cite this Dataset:

Animal QTLdb: Dataset from Le Rouzic, A; Alvarez-Castro, J M; Carlborg, O (2008). Dissection of the genetic architecture of body weight in chicken reveals the impact of epistasis on domestication traits.. Genetics, 179 (1): 1591-9; Curated into QTLdb on 2009-11-04. Universal link to this data set:


Le Rouzic, A; Alvarez-Castro, J M; Carlborg, O (2008). Dissection of the genetic architecture of body weight in chicken reveals the impact of epistasis on domestication traits.. Genetics, 179 (1): 1591-9; DOI:


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