Animal Trait Correlation Database

Publications and Citations:

Papers and conference abstracts on making the CorrDB:
  1. Zhi-Liang Hu, Carissa A Park, James M Reecy (2023). A combinatorial approach implementing new database structures to facilitate practical data curation management of QTL, association, correlation and heritability data on trait variants. Database, Volume 2023, 2023, baad024.
  2. Zhi-Liang Hu, Carissa A. Park, and James M. Reecy (2023). An implementation of new approaches to extend livestock trait ontologies for practical curation management of QTL, association, correlation, and heritability data. Plant & Animal Genomes 30 Conference, January 13-18, 2023. Town & Country Convention Center, San Diego, CA.
  3. Zhi-Liang Hu, Carissa A. Park, and James M. Reecy (2022). Bringing the Animal QTLdb and CorrDB into the future: meeting new challenges and providing updated services. Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 50, Issue D1, Pages D956–D961. DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkab1116
  4. Zhi-Liang Hu, Carissa A. Park, and James M. Reecy (2022). A database structural improvement for efficient trait variation curation in Animal QTLdb and CorrDB. 12th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Rotterdam, The Netherlands (July 3-8, 2022).
  5. Zhi-Liang Hu, Carissa A. Park, and James M. Reecy (2022). The Animal QTLdb and CorrDB – 2022 updates. Plant & Animal Genomes 29 Conference (On-site meetings cancelled due to Covid19 pandamics).
  6. Zhi-Liang Hu, Carissa A. Park, and James M. Reecy (2020). An Update on Database Growth and Improvements of Animal QTLdb and CorrDB. Plant & Animal Genomes XXVII Conference, January 11-15, 2020. Town & Country Convention Center, San Diego, CA (January 11-15, 2020)
  7. Zhi-Liang Hu, Carissa A. Park, and James M. Reecy (2019). Building a livestock genetic and genomic information knowledgebase through integrative developments of Animal QTLdb and CorrDB. Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 47, Issue D1, 8 January 2019, Pages D701–D710. DOI: 10.1093/nar/gky1084
  8. Zhi-Liang Hu, Carissa A. Park, and James M. Reecy (2018). Development of Animal QTLdb and CorrDB: Resynthesizing Big Data to Improve Meta-analysis of Genetic and Genomic Information. The 11th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP). New Zealand, February 11-16, 2018.
  9. Zhi-Liang Hu, Dinesh Kumar, and James Reecy. (2013). CorrDB: A livestock animal genetic/phenotypic trait correlation database. Plant & Animal Genomes XX Conference, January 11-16, 2013. Town & Country Convention Center, San Diego, CA.
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Accumulative literature citations: 540 as of July 25, 2024
According to Google Scholar, the Animal CorrDB has been referenced 556 times
as of Jul 25, 2024 (literature citation + Citation of the use of the database on its website)
See Google Scholar for current citation updates.


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